
Jun 15, 2018

5 Years!

We celebrated 5 years married today and while we don't usually celebrate our wedding anniversary (we acknowledge it, but we would rather celebrate our dating anniversary in October and we really just do a trip for that) I'm very happy to have this guy in my life!

I love our life together, when people say marriage is hard I feel like I couldn't disagree more, it's been one of the easiest things for me! Larry and I have such a good balance between being parents, having alone time, and having couple time together. We don't feel like we take the other one for granted and we don't feel like we're being stretched too thin. The only words of wisdom I can offer after all this time is that I've heard the celebrity couples that have been together for a while tend to say "it's us against the world" and I feel like maybe that's how we are. We are in our own little bubble, we are each other's best friends, we LOVE spending time as a family and don't feel like we NEED outsiders to complete us.

So with all that mushiness behind, I have end this by asking...who did it better:

I mean too close of a posed wedding picture to not compare, right?

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