
Sep 24, 2018

7 Months (Weeks 28 - 31)

Compare/Contrast: This pregnancy has been SUPER uncomfortable. I feel like I'm as big as I was at the end of my last one so the thought of getting bigger is...frightening (haha). 

I did get my first cold for this pregnancy (around 29 weeks). I got one with Cara, but it was in the beginning (like right before we announced it around 15 weeks-ish), and she has a GREAT immune system so I'm hoping me getting a cold means it helps them build their immunities.

Turns out around the glucose test time is when movement patterns seem to change. I can't tell if this time around it's due to the glucose test (or being the similar time frame) or our flying to Georgia. She had different patterns in her movement right after we got back. By the end of the week she was moving more like normal, but maybe it's just all because she grew a bit around that time frame. Speaking of, I can totally tell when she grows! I get a day of super discomfort and then it's like she settles into a new position and everything feels better. It happens every week too. Kind of crazy how I can feel it this time around.

Towards the end of this month I started to get first trimester symptoms all over again (some nausea, VERY sensitive nose, and exhaustion like you wouldn't believe). This never happened with Cara. In fact, after the nausea went away (around 16 weeks) the rest of the pregnancy was a breeze! This time around it's getting more and more uncomfortable and I'm dragging a bit. Luckily only a couple more months to go now.

Oh and the leg/foot cramps!! They are SO insane this time around. I swear I only got them once in a while with Cara (IF that), but this time, it's like 1 a night, more often there have been two or three times I get them at night. I have to JUMP out of bed to walk them off. One night I got one so bad it took a good 30 second before I could even flatten my foot out to walk right and it still took a minute or two before I could climb back into bed. I'm thinking I'll have to ask my midwife about it next time I go in.

Best Moments This Month: I passed my glucose test!! This is very exciting even though I don't think I have diabetes issues, but I was getting light headed very easily that the office was saying could be a blood sugar problem so that made me a little nervous.

Football season started at the beginning of this month and watching my Packers has been awesome! Cara gets a little into it and it makes me get so excited to have Minion watch the games with me when she's here! Superbowl should be REALLY fun :)  

I also ordered our double stroller that is compatible with our infant car seat and it was even cheaper than I budgeted for (SCORE!) so I'm SO excited to cross that off the list. The last big purchases we have are her dresser and a possible 2nd pump for me - my original one worked well enough, but I've heard the Medela and Spectra have better reviews so I'm thinking I want to buy one of those to try and keep my original as a backup just in case.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting closer to the end...with how uncomfortable this pregnancy has been (specifically at night) I can see how people hate going over their due date. I'm holding out, but oh man!

I'm also looking forward to getting more cleaning and organizing done. I started the weekend before out Georgia trip and even though I had major body pains from actually doing something, it felt so good to have those rooms done. I have a room assigned to each weekend day until we get closer to the end.

Oh and my next appointment! It's set for Oct 1 (for 32 weeks) and I should get another ultrasound. They want to double check my placenta (it was a smidge close to my cervix at 21 weeks and they want to make sure it didn't get closer) and possibly re-measure her growth since my uterus has been consistently 2 weeks ahead and I'll take all the chances to see this little girl! I also get the TDAP shot (yes I'm looking forward to a shot).

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