
Sep 15, 2018

That Time We Went to Georgia (And Florida) During a Hurricane! Pt. 4

Well world, we made it through another HOT day in the south today :) We started it out decently, I woke up pretty early so I decided to hurry and get ready and be really quiet to let Cara and Larry sleep as much as possible (luckily her burn didn't make it a bad night). Finally when they had to be up I went downstairs to see if I could get some disposable bowls or cups or something (for the oatmeal we bought) and I saw they had some yummy looking muffins as well. The oatmeal and muffin worked well enough and Cara seemed to like it with her milk so it was a decent breakfast, provided by us.

A rare occurrence: Mom is letting the TV
Be on while eating breakfast
After we were all ready Larry and I beat Stace and Sam to the Boba Tea place. We decided to try different things, but neither were very good. Larry got a mango smoothie, and I got some weird fruit concoction. Larry's was better than mine, but the boba balls were not my favorite. Mine had some weird stuff in it and I ended up chucking it without finishing it. I felt bad, but apparently I will not be a "boba tea" person.

After everyone got there and we got our drinks all drank (it was probably a more chaotic morning than those workers were expecting haha), we made our way to "Doing Your Dishes" to paint some pottery. I originally thought it would be a fun idea to do piggy banks for both the girls, but since it was my first time I settled on an ice cream bowl. Larry did a plaque with Cara's handprint and name on it. Cara got to color with markers and seemed pretty content. Poor Stace was very busy with three boys painting their own plaques so she didn't get to do her own. I feel bad and looking back I wish I had been able to help her so she could've done one. But they all turned out so good and it was a good first experience. I might have to find one of these back in Utah to do the piggy banks at.

While we were there Stace ended up asking the people there (a few more people painting and the lady working there who helped us) if the bounce house we had thought of would be good for all the kids. They all ended up telling us about a place called MOSH (Museum of Science and History) and it sounded like it would be good for all ages so we decided that would be the better plan. When we got to the parking for MOSH it turned out they only had one row of parking, but the brewery next door had the rest of the lot and it was $5 for all day parking for that if we weren't actually going to the brewery. This was annoying, but Larry paid for both cars since it was close to the museum and we just didn't feel like driving around more to find parking. We decided to hit up lunch before going to the museum and ended up at a place called Southern Grill. It had some of the best food I've eaten, but the ordering was a little chaotic. Luckily we got our own room to eat in so the kids could be as loud and crazy as possible and it didn't bother the other people. It also had a door and ceiling fan that we cranked up since we were all sweating a good bit (we had to walk a bit to get to this place).

After we finished lunch we finally headed over to MOSH. This place was SO cool! They had animal touching areas (Cara got to touch a snake!), lots of buttons for the kids to push, and 3 levels so Cara got to practice her stairs quite a bit! With our admission we had to get a movie ticket, so we picked one about astronauts since we thought the kids would like that the best. It was so close to nap time, but Cara wouldn't sleep...until we go into the movie. She barely made it a minute before she passed out (so luckily she got a good hour long nap between the movie and then being put in the stroller afterwards). We let the boys play in the kids area while we checked out the gift shop and then just relaxed a bit. I want to find a place like this back in Utah as well!

This was a cool "build a community" with these colored tiles.
I think it might have been my favorite part
After we were all worn out at the museum, we went to Steak N Shake for dinner. I forget how much I really like this place and REALLY wish we had one in Utah. There was an older guy there who gave us some coupons so we were able to get a free milk shake - yum! After dinner we said goodbye to Stace and Sam, which was sad, but we had such a fun time with them that I'm just so glad we were able to come out (and meet Sam). With this visit I can see how the mommy village is a real and helpful thing (there were several times we'd rely on each other to get pictures, to watch one of the kids while we helped others with something, etc. etc.).

Our one and only picture together and one with all the kids...score!
We headed back to hotel to see that they apparently didn't clean our room. Larry saw in the room pamphlet that there's a charge for that (what??) so that was annoying. We decided since our flight tomorrow morning isn't until 1:30 maybe we could find something to do nearby before that. Unfortunately there were only 2 things. 1 (this alligator farm) was too far and by the time we got there we would only have about 30 minutes before having to head to the airport. and the other (a big cat sanctuary thing) wasn't open because it was strictly on a volunteer basis and there weren't any that would be there for Sunday. I was disappointed, but we realized we could just take our time getting ready (maybe even sleep in??) and packed up and just relax in the room.

So now that our day is done, I look forward to heading home tomorrow morning. I can't tell if it's because I'm ready to be out of this hotel or if I'm just ready to be in MY bed with MY pillows again...maybe a little of both? Either way, I'm heading out so I can get a TON of sleep before an exhausting travel day we have ahead of us! Good night world.

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