
Nov 21, 2019

Gwen is TWELVE Months

I am TWELVE months old!

I like: Food, being tickled, cuddles, my lovey, almost everything really. I'm a very happy baby! 

I dislike: not being held, being hungry, and being tired.

I am now: Wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. At my appointment I was 21.53 lbs. and 29.9 inches long. I'm growing so well these days :)

A Typical Day looks like:
A bottle and maybe some cereal to snack on for breakfast around 8 AM
Play around until lunch time at 11:30 (although she's been wanting to nap on daddy's lap around 10)
11:30 lunch - usually a bottle and some of Cara's lunch to try.
12:30 - 2:30 is nap time
2:30 - 3:30 movie time while daddy finishes work up (on weekdays); 3:00 she gets another small bottle to hold her over until dinner time
3:30 - 4:30 workout with daddy (on weekdays)
On weekends we usually go play somewhere or do something fun after nap time. When we get back from that, then they can watch a movie.
4:30 - 5:30 hang with daddy until mommy gets home
5:30 dinner time - a bottle and then some of our food.
5:30 - 7:45 hang around, play, whatever until bed time.
Sunday and Thursdays is bath night at 7:40
Bed time at 8

Pretty much the same as before.

This Month I: had fun with Halloween and going trick or treating, had fun with new Fall and some snow. Mom was feeling really sick from the new baby so we didn't do a whole lot.

Parent's Notes: Gwen has been such a great baby! I'm so glad she's made it
a whole year now. We're going to have so much fun at her party this weekend and celebrating all things Gwen (and ladybugs). She's been such a great eater, been so silly. She's also very snuggly and loves to cuddle so much. She doesn't fully walk just yet, but she's getting closer every day. I don't think I could be more excited about adding her to our family and watching her and Cara start to play together makes me so excited to see their future together. I'm also so excited to see how adding this new baby to the mix goes.

My mom is coming into town now so I'm excited to have her here for the party.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Celebrate Halloween - big check off the list and had a lot of fun with it! Next year I'm REALLY hoping to do better (but that's been my slogan for the past 4 Halloweens haha)
  • Get through being pregnant with a baby who likes to snuggle and be held all the time - I love that Gwen is so snuggly, but luckily my mom is here to snuggle and help us with her. YAY!
  • Work on walking still - we work every single night on this with her and she's doing so good. Not a walker still, but she's getting so close.
  • Maybe introduce her to having a blanket at night - we just barely started this with her. I'm still so nervous about it and check on her constantly, but she mostly just kicks it off and sleeps as normal.
  • Figure out some good foods for her to try to replace her bottles - so far we've done good on this. The hardest part is balancing what she's missed with the bottles so she doesn't get hangry (because she does still get hangry). She loves everything we've given her and she seems to get excited to try something new.
  • Wean her from the bottles by a year - check! She doesn't take bottles anymore, but we do give her cups with almond milk to top her off so it's only kind of passed off, but she does so good still.

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