
Nov 23, 2019

Gwen's Party

We had so much fun at Gwen's party tonight - I don't know that it could've gone better!
On Friday Larry and I made cupcakes so that they’d be cooled off by this morning to be frosted. I was so excited to add the ladybug decorations to them. I may not be a Pinterest type mom or crafty, but I can do my best to stick to a theme for a first birthday haha.

This morning we got up, I went to grab the cake, we frosted cupcakes and added the extras to them and just let the girls have a normal morning. I will say Larry was MUCH better at frosting the cupcakes than I was, but they looked fine enough (some eyes made them look like they had a concussion, but whatever, they were edible haha).

We planned the party for a dinner time, so we let the girls nap while we made the finishing touches (putting gift bags together, collecting everything we’d need for the party together, etc.). After nap time we got the girls all dressed, including putting Gwen in her cute 1st birthday ladybug outfit with matching headband and tutu. We then headed out to Kangaroo Zoo and met up with everyone. We started with eating pizza and letting Gwen dig into her cake and everyone else got a cupcake. We opened presents, got a visit from their Kangaroo character, and then let the kids go crazy with their arcade cards and sliding and jumping around. Luckily one of Gwen’s outfits was a gift so after she got cake on her 1st birthday outfit we were able to change her (since I didn’t think ahead and didn’t bring anything with us – d’oh!). 

We only had the party room for so long so we cleaned up as much as we could and took the gifts and left over pizza to the car (well by we, I mean Larry did that) and the rest of us sat outside the room visiting. We were thinking about getting ready to leave around 6 when the Wilson’s showed up (apparently Facebook changed the 4:00 time to their time zone, which makes it 6 – whoops!) so we ended up staying for about another hour visiting with them and opening their gifts. I’m so glad they actually flew out to be a part of her day – it really means a lot to have family at these big days.
All the kids had so much fun bouncing and sliding and Nana (my mom) even went on a few slides with Cara, which she was so excited about! Around 7 you could tell Gwen had had enough, she was basically falling asleep in my mom’s arms, so we called it a night and headed up. 

Once we got home, we let the girls play with all the many good toys and goodies that Gwen got for a bit and then it was bedtime. Overall it was a great party and a great way to celebrate her turning 1 and I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better time or for it to go better.

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