
Nov 3, 2019

2 Months (Weeks 5 - 8)

Compare/Contrast: So far this pregnancy reminds me a lot of my one with Cara. I'm sick -a lot! It finally caught up to me on the 13th of October. It has been SUPER rough too! I'm worried I might have a mild form of that Hyperemesis (extreme sickness) thing. I decided not to get my progesterone tested this time since I only had the one issue, but then I looked up foods that help boost progesterone and I loaded up on those, just in case, for a few days. Then I got sick of the foods and just started eating what sounded good and I think the food must have been effective, because I've been having such a rough time!

My symptoms have been exhaustion, sickness, aversions of any Mexican-type food, lots of boogers, and some crankiness. I also haven't gotten as bloated yet so I was able to keep my pants buttoned up until a couple weeks ago, however having them buttoned or a stretchy waist band on my belly makes it feel worse so I don't wear pants too often if I can help it haha. I had my appointment on the 23rd and the HR was in the 150s (which is the lowest any of mine have been), and it was amazing they actually found it with how tiny the baby was (I was supposed to be 9 weeks, but I measured 7 weeks, which doesn't surprise me seeing as how that matched up to when my sickness started). I caved and asked for some meds to help with the sickness because I've had a really hard time keeping up with the girls and being able to get to work - I was desperate. The pills make me SUPER sleepy so I now sleep as often as I can (girls are napping? So am I! Girls went down for bed? I'm heading there as well!). That's all nice since in the beginning sleep was on and off. I would sleep great, but I'd also tend to wake up every couple of hours and then be up for at least an hour - which, being sick during those spans made it really difficult.

As far as smells, I can actually handle the more flowery smells, but anything else makes me sick!  Also my food preferences are kind of similar, but also different. I love easy mac and very junky food like before, but I tend to go even more junky than normal (ramen noodles have been the best for me) and my only aversion has been the Mexican-type foods I mentioned, and I always feel like I want french fries. Also, I'm more prone to eating chips or pretzels than candy. So I feel like it's less sweets driven and more junky/not sweet haha.

And, of course, the girls tend to really get my stomach going! They are just so energetic and loud and my pregnancy motion sickness gets hit HARD with both of them! They both also stink constantly to me (not really, but their smells, even after a bath, set me off). I love them, but I can't ever have them close to me and that has brought some tears to my eyes. We rely on movies a lot lately - which also makes me sad.

Best Moments This Month: Definitely finding out about the pregnancy and going to the dr's to get confirmation and hearing the heartbeat. Also, I got to go to Thriller with Stacey before the sickness kicked in, so that was REALLY nice! Not going to lie, that's been all that's been good (aside from sympathy help from Larry!).

What I'm Looking Forward To: Not feeling sick, getting to my next appointment (on the 19th) to make sure things are still looking good (I'm telling family that day and then put up the announcement the next day so I can wear my maternity clothes again haha), getting energy back, and just all the rest of this pregnancy stuff that's to come. I'm also looking forward to feeling movement as so far the thought of getting a HUGE belly is kind of scary to me and I know the one thing that makes it worth it is feeling kicks and wiggles. Basically everything after the 1st trimester will hopefully be better. I'm not sure if this will be our last kid, but (just like with the other pregnancies) I'm sure feeling like it might be because being sick is so difficult. I'm also seriously considering getting sneak peek test on gender just so I have an idea what to expect at the ultrasound (I'm not depending solely on the blood test mail order one, but it'll at lest give me an idea), I'm also kind of looking forward to upgrading our cars - more on that later.

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