
Oct 31, 2019

Halloween 2019

Halloween this year was the start of great Halloween's to come for us...I just know it! Unfortunately, my morning sickness wasn't my best friend and made it harder, but it wasn't the first year that's happened.

This year I got to take Cara out to look at costumes last month and she had a blast with that. Although I was trying my hardest to keep her away from the really scary stuff to avoid scarring her too bad, but she kept wandering around and having fun looking at all the different things they had. I also found a couple cute things for Gwen (because she doesn't fit into Cara's bumble bee costume...which is sad, but also made me happy to have an excuse to get another really cute costume).

This year we got take Cara out to go trick-or-treating for the first time and boy were all parties excited about that. It was too bad that it was a really cold day, so while I only planned to hit up our street of homes for candy, we ended up only hitting up about 5. I was with Cara for about 3 of them, but then Gwen was getting pretty cold and I was getting pretty tired and sick so I let Larry lead on with Cara while Gwen and I headed back to hand out our candy. It was so cute how confused Cara was when it came to picking out her own candy. At the first two houses she picked the same candy and so we had to show her at the third house how she could pick something new.

As usual, we had so much fun watching all the kids come by to get candy, we ended up actually running out of candy by 8. Cara caught on to what trick-or-treating was and kept saying it all night. She was so excited to have her candy too. I was worried a little about her having a sugar rush before bed, but luckily she went down just fine.

We got a few more decorations up this year and actually got pumpkins carved, so I feel like we did more, but still not fully what I'd like to have done. The only hard part is how Fall is making me feel more nauseous from all the times I've had morning sickness and all the smells that come with this time of year. I'm hoping by next fall (when I shouldn't be pregnant) I will be able to make it the best Halloween so that I can have a do over with this time. I feel like I say that every year, but I'll keep doing my best to achieve it.

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