
Dec 28, 2019

My Birthday Celebration

So 32 isn't a big milestone so I didn't really have super high hopes for my birthday this year. I honestly didn't think I could ever top our Hawaii trip (we came home on my birthday that year and it was my 30th birthday - it was a big one). My actual birthday day was pretty great - my work day was easy, I got a cake from my TL, I got a funny (actual birthday) card signed by my team, I got free food (lunch was provided to us) at work, just really nothing I could complain about. Larry got me my new planner - always a big hit for me - and it was just a great day.

Well Larry was asking how I wanted to spend my birthday day "celebration" (I wanted to wait until the Saturday after Christmas because we were so busy all the other weekends in December) and I never really had an answer. I figured I'd just wing it. Then we got some good gift cards for Christmas (Hobby Lobby, Olive Garden, Kohls) and I figured why not have a little shopping spree with those in the morning? Then we could go out for dinner at Olive Garden (which isn't a favorite of mine, but we hadn't taken the girls yet and we figured they'd like it). I also thought we could take the girls somewhere fun after their nap - originally I was thinking the Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point, but I was open to anything. Then I had a brilliant idea - I wanted to go see a movie! There were a few that looked decent enough and I hadn't been to the theater in so long! I figured I'd go during nap/quiet time to make it easier on Larry. I settled on Knives Out at 12:30 and I was going to get me some concessions (yum!).

So we went shopping in the morning, I got me a new jacket and hoodie from Kohl's - I couldn't find any ONE thing at Hobby Lobby I wanted to buy yet so we waited on that. We grabbed some Zupas for lunch (which we ate at home), Larry sent me out with $10 for my snacks and off I went. I have to say I think I picked a good movie, I wasn't disappointed. After the movie I went home to be with my family again. We decided on ice cream at Arctic Circle to let the girls wiggle around (it's cheaper than Thanksgiving Point and it was closer to dinner). We literally had to beg Cara to have some of the ice cream (I ordered 3 different shakes for all of us), she was throwing such a fit about having to eat some, but once other kids came to play she got over it and then loved the ice cream. Then we had to drag the girls away from the playground and go to dinner. We had quite a bit of a wait (even after putting ourselves on the wait list in the car on the way over), but once we sat down the girls were so excited to eat. Cara, surprisingly, ate so much salad on her own - I didn't have to force her and she kept eating it (strange girl). We all had pretty yummy food and then headed home to relax for the rest of the night.

Overall it was SUCH a great day! I got to spend time with my family (which is the best part of any day), got to spend money on cute things, see a movie with some theater snacks (even though the theater was insanely busy). Then we had some yummy ice cream and then an almost free dinner. As far as non vacation birthdays go it was an amazing one! Now I'm just so excited to take down Christmas and start the new year!

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