
Jun 19, 2020

1 Week Later

We are a whole week into our new parenting of 3 kids journey and here's what it's been like:
  • Some days we're like "it's ALREADY been a week" and other times we're like "it's ONLY been a week" haha. The days are definitely long, but it's also been so nice snuggling with the tiny little new sweetheart.

  • In the beginning she would go to bed really well, but then when she'd get up for her first feeding she wouldn't stay down. We've had one great night, where she went down well and slept well after the feedings, but only one night. Luckily Larry has been SUPER helpful on hard nights and giving me naps during the day.

  • We did our newborn photos on the 17th, I'm so excited to see them (it'll be 2 weeks until we get the gallery). Although we ended up doing them during the nap time (it was the time the photographer had open, not our choice) so the girls were SO done very quickly. I'm a little nervous about how the family shots will turn out. I'm hopeful we'll have one or two good ones that can be framed/shared.

  • The biggest draw back with the newborn photos is that ever since then she now won't go down very well. It takes FOREVER. This is when Larry's been the most helpful. He always plans to stay up late so if I need it I can put her down with him and get some sleep and when she's ready for her next feeding he'll bring her up and go to bed and I can take the rest of the night.

  • I'm a little worried she might have gas issues. She wakes up so cranky and lets out big farts (or sometimes poops). We're starting gas drops to help with that. Seems to be a common factor with all our babies...poor girlies.

  • Luckily we've been doing very good with breastfeeding this time around. She's been a great eater! Every 3 hours (and then some) and no latching problems! She lost quite a bit by her 3 day checkup, but it was the normal, expected amount so we're just working on getting her weight back up by her 2 week appointment. I'm going to start doing weight checks on our own every other day until her appointment to make sure we're still on track. I've also pumped some to give her bottles as well.

  • Even though breastfeeding is going well, we're making plans on how and when to introduce bottles to her routine. I know once I go back to work she'll have to be on some sort of bottle, but I also only plan to pump/nurse until she's 6 months. After that she'll be on formula, so we're making plans on when to introduce that as well. Honestly, I have loved nursing this time around (it's SO convenient when we're out of the house), so I'm not in any rush at this point to introduce those too often.

My post partum helpers:
  • Plan one or two things to accomplish a day. I don't make it anything big, but it's made me feel so much more accomplished and in control/on top of things (for example, doing dishes is one thing, making sure garbages are collected in time, doing my ab workouts, making appointments, taking a shower etc.). It also helps me feel like my old routine is still there, just a little altered with newborn feedings. I also like to make plans for things to look forward to for the first 3 months (they get SO much fun at that point and it's a bit easier)...just little milestones to look forward to on harder days.
  • Speaking of hard days - it helps to make a list of things you are grateful for just to keep things lighter and not slip into a depression. You will have days you don't stop crying (even if you don't know why) or are getting frustrated or miss things in your old life, but just to help remind yourself there are good things as well and this too shall pass.
  • Plan to stay in the room when you put them down for the'll just get frustrated if you plan to do stuff at that point. With Cara I was too afraid to leave her alone in the room so I'd always put on a movie when putting her down. It was quiet with captions on, but it made me feel better to have a movie to watch while putting her down. With Gwen I tried to plan things for once she was asleep and then when she'd have nights she wouldn't sleep I'd get so annoyed and Larry and I would end up dreading our nights to put her down. We learned somewhat quickly that you feel better and are more patient when you don't plan anything and just know you'll be stuck to the room until your bedtime.
  • Pick a show or a few movies to watch while feeding. It has really helped me to pick a show that is my "night time feedings/bedtime" show to watch. I only watch it during those times. As I mentioned, with Cara I'd pick a movie that was streaming. With Gwen I re-watched Home Improvement. This time around is Boy Meets World. Although a week in I'm already through season one and halfway through season 2 so I might need to pick another show as I'm not sure this one will last haha.
  • Have lots of water and snacks available. Breastfeeding makes you SO hungry and you need to stay hydrated to keep up your supply. It also just helps to keep them on hand for cluster feeding times...which happens a lot and can be very taxing!

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