
Jun 14, 2021

Lucy is Twelve Months!

   I am TWELVE months old!

I like: practicing walking with the sit to stand walker, being held and going around with mom or dad, eating new foods, playing with her sisters.

I dislike: strangers (still...poor 2020 baby), being put down when she wants to be moved around, and still not getting food quickly enough.

I am now: still in 9 months (almost 12 month clothes) and size 3 diapers. At her doctor appointment she was 18 lbs and  inches long.

A Typical Day looks like: 

We usually wake her up around 7:40 ish
7:45 ish I give her some cereal (or oatmeal) to feed herself with her probiotic and change her bum. After she finishes that she'll crawl around and play with whatever is near her or wait for Cara to come visit her. Dad will lotion her up and put clothes on at some point after I head up to work (around 8:15)
10 -11  nap time in her crib
11-12 Up from nap and around 11:30 we'll do lunch. She'll get spaghetti O's, chicken nuggets, etc. Might give her some veggie straws or chips with it.
12 - 12:30 play time (sitting, crawling, playing, etc.)
12:30-2:30 nap time.
2:30-4:50 Up from nap, mini snack, and play time for a bit and then Dad takes her downstairs around 4:15 to workout and mom will rescue her at 4:30 (when I'm done with work) and play with her for a bit. Or have her help me make dinner.
5:30 - 6 we do dinner. She gets some of our food or a scrambled egg (if she can't chew up the food we have.
6-7 doing whatever for the night (aka free/play time)
7-7:45 we start our show for the night (if we're not still out doing our activity for the night. At 7:05 she gets her last snack of the night and just relax at this point. If it's bath night (Sunday and Thursday for her), that starts at 7:30 ish
7:45 get ready for bed. We change her diaper, put cream (lotion/vaseline/etc.) on her dry spots, put on pajamas, take her upstairs, read a book, lay her down and give her the binky.

This Month: we had a lot of fun celebrating Lucy's last month as a baby. She is getting to be more adventurous, not a ton, but now that she's getting closer to walking she's okay being put down more.

And she is getting closer to walking. She loves just randomly standing without supporting herself and just standing. She'll sometimes take a couple steps so I think she'll be walking almost any day now. I can't wait either - it might just mean she'll be way more okay being on her own. But I'm sure once she walks she'll get to running very quickly.

Update on last month's goals:
  • First Birthday: Went off without a hitch! It was a pricier than other birthdays, but very much worth it. See this post about party details.

  • More walking practice: she's getting closer, but not walking yet. But we do practice quite a bit.

  • Enjoy the summer and get in the water more: we are getting out so much more and I'm having a great summer with my kiddos!

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