
Jun 1, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

I never knew Memorial Day weekend could be so fun! Let me also say, the original plan for our weekend was to go on hikes, go to our pool, hit up Costco (since next weekend I have to clean for my mom's visit and Lucy's birthday), organize our outdoor toys, and any other outdoor fun we can squeeze in.

What ended up happening was we started going to Costco on Saturday and while there just happened to see they had a playground set we had been eyeing for weeks, but was always out of stock. They only had about 3 sets and there were quite a few people oohing and aahing over it so I felt pressure to get it right then and there. Unfortunately, we had all kids with us and had no way of getting it to our house. So as we checked out I asked an employee if we could buy it now and they would hold it until we could come back with an empty car to get it. Once they agreed to hold it until the end of the day we rushed home, unpacked what we did buy, clear out the van, and Larry ran back to get the set while I got lunch ready.


We ended spending a bulk of the weekend having Larry build the playground set. From sun up to dinner time he was busy building while I took care of the girls.

Of course the backs of my legs would get burned

Saturday, while the girls napped I went to see A Quiet Place 2 in theaters. It was a really great movie. And after dinner we ended up walking over to a nearby snow cone shack and got us all snow cones. The walk was a bit longer than I thought it would be so my feet ended up being REALLY sore (and still are), but the girls loved the snow cones and it was a fun activity.

Sunday and Monday, to help distract the girls after nap time, I set up the water table and our unicorn mini pool. Since the sun takes over our entire backyard from 11 till 8 and it was SO hot I figured the water would be good for them.

While I thought we'd have a pretty low key, borderline boring compared to other people Memorial Day Weekend, it ended up being one of the most fun weekend! We didn't get to go on any hikes or to the pool, but the girls got a bomb playground! It isn't finished yet, but we're SO close to getting it done. The girls are going to have such a great summer with this playground and now that our neighborhood pool is officially open and it's so warm we're going to have a GREAT time!!

So excited for their playground!

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