
Jun 12, 2021

Lucy's Birthday Party

For the first time in our history of being parents we threw a first birthday party ON the actual first birthday. This made it a busy busy day though!

To start we had to do our family pictures. We went to Camera Shy in Daybreak (we were hoping to do it at Gardner Village, but they were booked up) and it was quick and painless. The girls did great (Lucy didn't smile, but she hardly cried as well) and the shots turned out amazing (I can't get over how adorable Cara and Gwen look with curled hair)!

I mean...can you even??

We then headed over to Gardner Village. I promised to get the girls a candy at the candy shop for doing so great with pictures. So after we did that we went and fed the ducks some duck food we got from the candy shop as well. Then we met up with my family for lunch at Archibald's. Larry took the girls back to the house for nap time while I did some store browsing with the family (since my mom was visiting it was a nice girl's day).

After that we went home to rally the kids and get ready for the party. Larry took the girls to the playground and I grabbed the food and cake. It took a BUNCH of driving around, but luckily by the time we got to the party almost everyone was there and having fun mingling.

We were able to get the food out, have everyone eat, eat some cake (and do the smash cake tradition with the most beautiful cake!), and open gifts. The best part was we had a company bring a pony for little kid rides and a couple bunnies for everyone to pet. They were so cute and the kids seemed to LOVE doing pony rides. 

Overall we had such a great party. It was everything I could ask for and want! Lucy did have some stranger danger moments, but got over them quickly. I had a lot of fun talking to everyone that came and catching up. And we got quite a bit of goodies. Everyone said the cake was really good, but we didn't get to try any so that's too bad. 

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