
Mar 31, 2022

9 Months (Weeks 36 - 40)


Compare/Contrast: Funnily enough this month I've started to get hangry. I've never been a hangry person (I may get a little whiney when hungry, but not angry). I've been trying to get used to my post-partum eating plans, but apparently that's just not enough right now and I get hungry quickly and then very upset at myself for starving myself haha. 

I thought my nausea was coming back around 36 weeks, but luckily it just turned out to be a bug and was over within a couple days. Not the funnest, but it was quick.

The kitties love the bump haha

I'm actually not dilating as quickly as I usually do. At my 36 and 37 week appointments they said I was maybe at .5 cm, normally I'm at least at a 1 or 2. So that's been a bit discouraging. Luckily by 38 weeks I was up to a 3!

I'm in a lot more physical pain this time. I've been feeling more overwhelmed with getting everything cleaned like I'd like too. We're just re-using everything we already have, but this time it's just like "why is there SO much that needs to be cleaned??" Probably because I waited so long to actually get started on cleaning it that I just want to give up haha.  

My favorite maternity shirt...I'll miss having
An excuse to wear it

Best Moments This Month: Getting the last of the house/baby stuff done before my induction. I mean, sure I was in a lot of pain from so much work, but it was nice to have a clean house and have things set up all good before bringing a new baby home.

Getting an induction set for my actual due date, that was pretty exciting! I went from a .5 cm one week to a 3 and 80% effaced the next week so I was progressing pretty well. I didn't have them check my cervix at my last appointment because I was too nervous about being too progressed and it would make me not want to get house stuff done (plus they didn't offer...haha).

One last family day out of the house

We got a lot of nice, warm weather too so we got to spend more time outside with the girls. It felt great to spend some good time as a family together. We even got to have a final, final family date day. Going to the Scales and Tails and getting a 1-hour private interactive tour and then going to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. We had a ton of fun doing that and going to playgrounds.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Baby snuggles and baby snuggles and all the baby snuggles. I've gotten so caught up on other things that that's all I plan to do for a few weeks after he/she is born. Oh and of course I'm so excited to find out if we're having another girlie or a little boy. Everyone keeps asking if I'm hoping for a boy and I keep telling them I really am okay with either. Yes, I'd love a boy to experience that, but at the same time that'd be such a change for us and I'm so used to girls that it would be easier with a girl haha. We'd sure have a LOT of new shopping to do if this one is a boy!

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