
Mar 12, 2022

Family Date Days

One of my favorite things is that one weekend a month we have a "Family Date Day". We switch off (between Larry and me) who gets to choose an activity and dinner place. We've obviously skipped quite a few for a bit (between Covid shutting things down and then my pregnancy sickness kicking my butt it just hasn't been a priority). We started it again this year...or rather I sprung it on Larry last minute in January haha. He originally wanted to try and find a hike (which I had to nix due to my big belly and the cold weather). After talking about it he decided going to Fat Cats to go bowling would be fun and cheap enough and then to Red 8 for dinner (which is our favorite Asian restaurant and it's close by, which was nice because we had the Packer's game to watch by 6:15 that night). Unfortunately, the girls  didn't LOVE bowling for very long and kept saying they'd rather eat dinner at Fat Cats, but we made the most of it. We went to dinner and got home just in time for the game. 

Last month (February) I found a Groupon for a little petting zoo that I thought the girls would love. It was small and kind of sad, but we still had fun. I was a little stressed out because I wanted to go to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner and it was a ways away from the petting zoo, but I figured we'd just have to figure out a different dinner place and it would be fine. Luckily, since the place was so small it didn't take long to get our fill of it and still head over to dinner so it worked out. Dinner at Spaghetti Factory was just as yummy as I remembered too...although dinner out with 3 kids isn't the easiest haha.

This month was Larry's choice and he was a bit undecided on what to do until nap time today. So while we put the girls down we went to look at our options, We knew we wanted to go to Leatherby's for dinner so we figured we'd look around that area. We found this place called Kidstopia...oh man was this place amazing! It's like a jungle gym for kids with lots of climbing, lots of slides, a fun ball pit with a projector that kids could throw the balls at the video to score points for fun. Lots of fun for kids of every age. We paid for 2 hours of fun, but after about an hour and a half the girls were losing it so we decided they were done and ready for dinner. I, for some reason, had told the girls that we were going to a place that has ice cream (which had Cara asking "who passed off their learning?" haha) so when we got our food the girls were just focused on when ice cream was coming and hardly touched the real food. Luckily, we got take home containers for the ice cream and what food was left so we would finish them at some point. But either way, it was fun and yum food!

So while we will probably be taking another mini break from these for the next few months (with a newborn it's not always easy), I'm so glad to have these fun weekends with our girls and hope they remember doing these fun things with us. This is another reason I'm glad this is our last baby so we can really pick up on these traditions and keeping up with them. I look forward to many more of these in our future. 

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