
Sep 16, 2023

Tracy Aviary Family Day

For our family date day this month, I decided on Tracy Aviary. I've been wanting to go for so long and I figured since it was cooling down this would be a good time. Not to mention, this made a great activity to invite Mom and Grandma to (Grandma can't walk on grass so we need solid ground activities for her).

The good parts were the Macaws being SO vocal (although that scared Pierce a bit), they have tons of flamingos, there were other birds that were pretty interactive with the kids, they had a couple birds just walking around so that made it more exciting.

The bummer parts were the kids didn't get to play as much as I had hoped (Mom seemed to be rushing a bit...might have to do with Grandma walking so slowly these days), you can't feed the animals anymore since it was attracting wild birds that hurt their birds, and it was much warmer than I had hoped.

It wasn't as entertaining and fun as it has been in the past so might be a while before we go back, which I kind of feel sad about. But, at least we got out of the house.

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