Jun 16, 2024

Father's Day

Father's Day this year was....well, kind of like last year. I asked Larry what he wanted to do and he decided he wanted to do Wendover, again. If you recall, last year he did Wendover for the weekend and it did NOT go well for him! He even said he was done going for a while. I asked why he wanted to after that, he said he just had a craving and decided to just go for the day instead of the weekend. I figure it's his day and if that's what he wants, that's what he can have. I booked the bus ahead of time (for Sunday since Saturday was Lucy's party) and told him "good luck!" haha.

Unfortunately, this last week he got a call from the bus company saying it wasn't going to be running that Sunday and they'd give him a refund. I thought that meant he wasn't going to go, but he said he'll just drive (still doesn't seem fun, but he really wanted to go, apparently). The good news is this made it a lot more flexible on when he left and when he could come home. The bad news is he was really looking forward to reading his book on the ride out there and now he couldn't do that.

The funny thing is I was going to let him sleep in and just leave when he got up. I heard him get up and assumed he couldn't sleep and was getting up early. After a while I kind of had that "shouldn't my alarm have gone off by now?" feeling and checked...it was 8:30! I shot up and ran downstairs and he was there playing with the kids. He said he got up at the normal "kid wakeup" time and decided to let me sleep in! I laughed that it was his day and yet he let me sleep in (I totally would've woken him up if roles had been reversed haha).

He left shortly after I got up and I decided the best course of action was to take the day one thing at a time. Normally, Sundays are pretty tightly scheduled, but I was NOT about to do that with 4 kids all to myself. So I took my time getting ready and then we meandered on over to the grocery store. I did realize when we got there that I forgot the list, but I felt I could probably remember most of it as we went. I am proud to say the ONLY thing I forgot was kitchen bags, everything else I remembered. I also found some good treats to add to his father's day surprise I had planned for when he got home (I had the kids help me pick some candy and hot chips he'd like and I also got him a gift card).

Normally I work out during nap time and take a shower, but I decided to let the kids guide the day and just do what they wanted to do. I played with them, put Pierce down for a nap, played some more, let the girls do their hour of "music videos" (it's just kids YouTube) while I took a shower, and then got Pierce up and we played some more. I got laundry all done and everything was going smoothly (I even had a lot of fun just doing whatever). Normally I also clean on Sundays, but usually Larry keeps the kids occupied helping them clean their rooms and doing little thing around the house, so I decided to skip it that weekend. I was even feeling good enough that I could do bath night on my own (I was tempted to skip it, but we were outside a lot and I was feeling pretty dirty). Right as I was thinking that, I got a text from him saying he'd be leaving soon. Based on the time, I knew he'd be home around dinner time so I wouldn't have to do bath time on my own.

When he did get home, we all rushed in for hugs and kisses. We showed him his surprise gifts, and he ate some dinner (he didn't eat the whole time he was out there). He said he had a good time, didn't lose ALL his money like last time, but enough that he felt he had all the fun he was going to, and then came home. We got the kids bathed and down and now I'm about to go do some laundry and watch a movie.

So, while I'm sure he wishes some things went better (the bus ride instead of driving, winning instead of losing, etc. etc.), it does sound like this year went MUCH better than last year.

Happy Father's Day to the guy who works his butt off for the family! While he's been waiting for a job to hire him, he's been doing SO much work around the house AND taking care of all the kids, while I just work, work, and work. He listens when I tell him he needs to do something with the kids or give him ideas of what he can do the next day, and he NEVER complains when I make a suggestion (something I'm TERRIBLE at - making constant suggestions AND I always complain when he suggests something haha). He is the greatest father and he loves us fiercely (and it shows!). He's so proud and lucky and I just wish nothing but the best for him! I hope he knows how much he's loved and appreciated!

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