Jun 28, 2024

Front Yard Glow Up

Larry's last contract ended right before Disney, so while he's been waiting for something new to come along he's been getting a lot of yard work done. The best part is he takes the kids out with him in the mornings so they are getting a lot of good outside time. Our yard has been needing SO much TLC for a while, so I've let him know all the things I'd like and he just gets it done. 

This is definitely the "before" shot

So far he's cleared out half the rocks from our big rock pit, put down weed blocker (after raking out what was growing there) and made a walk way to the bird feeders (I'm still trying to decide if I'd like to put stepping stones there or something else). He dug out our overgrown front garden area and we replaced those with new, pretty flowers (we need a few more, but for now it's so much better). Around our trees he raked away the overgrowth stuff there, put weed blocker down, and put half the rocks back (they were a little too high). He then took the rocks out of the side garden along the garage, raked away the overgrowth, put weed blocker down, and put half the rocks down to make it look much neater.

He's now working on the back side garden and we'll do more with the back once we know what we're doing with that,  but so far I'm REALLY happy with our front yard. We even put up a bird house and chimes on our front porch and it looks so much more homey. I absolutely love it! And I am so grateful Larry's working so hard with his down time.

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