
Dec 19, 2011


I realized today that I've never once posted on Larry's or my birthday. I was always told after you turn 21 birthdays really just don't mean as much, and it's SO true, but we still like to celebrate, even if it is a bit on the "smaller" side than when you're a kid. Seeing as how I can't really remember what we did for Larry's birthday I'll have to cover that next year, sorry babe.

I just celebrated my 24th, which is weird, to me it's mid 20s, but that's not the weird part. The weird part is they were right, after 21 they really just don't matter (heck, half the time I can't even remember how old I am anymore). This year I stayed in my pajamas and watched That 70s Show (Larry's gift to me) all day, cleaned a little, did laundry, and then went to dinner with mom, Will, and grandma-Training Table. We used to go there all the time on my birthday and then stopped for some reason, so when mom asked if I wanted to do dinner earlier in the week, that was my first choice.
I got some pretty cool gifts at dinner:

I got this awesome watch and pedometer set from Mom and Will

I also got this cute workout outfit from them (I actually hate "mirror" pictures, but Larry was
asleep, so I had to rely on myself for the pic.) It's awesome because I've been trying to keep up
with working out so I need all the motivation, and a new outfit will do just that for a little while.

And then my grandma got me this AWESOME luggage set. It's REALLY cool because I really needed a new set, my last ones were so old the zippers broke off and it hardly held any clothes for any trips anymore so we end up using one of Larry's duffel bags, but this set is so nice I think we'll be able to use it for a long while.

Overall it was a nice, easy, relaxing day for me. Just as birthdays should be :)

And now we have less than 7 days till Christmas and I could not be more excited, if only because I think I did REALLY good on gifts this year so I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you all out there!

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