
Feb 24, 2013

My Own Adventures in Babysitting

I got a chance to spend the day with our adorable niece, Cailyn, yesterday. Here's a picture story of our day together:

Trying to get her to eat some lunch before I got her high chair out. She kept touching it to her tongue and going "EEW!" Such a silly girl.

The mess I got to clean up today. This was only at our "half-way" point of the day too. Clearly Lion King didn't distract her as well as I had planned.

The pretty drawing she did for me with some markers. I wrote her name for her.

I never stopped following her when she had this blue juice and was on the carpet.

Whenever Cailyn sees something shiny she always says "oh pretty!" but when she had this she would NOT let me take it from her. It was her ultimate "pretty" and here she is showing it to me.

She LOVES Elmo and so I decided to distract her with Netflix :)

I was trying to get her to sleep since she seemed tired, but all I got was a weird game that mixed peek-a-boo and "lets push our face against the mesh to make funny faces". She cracks me up!

I had to hold her like this for over an hour to get her to sleep. My collarbone and arms were SO weak after this. What was funny is when she would twitch in this position.
Overall it was a really fun day that showed me I'm definitely not ready for babies RIGHT now ha ha. I love Cailyn and hanging out with her, but I'm not ready for a messy house just yet haha. But you can't deny she's the cutest little girl ever!

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