
Jul 12, 2013

Motivational #3

I'm not down in the dumps today or anything, but I feel this one really applies to me lately. I feel that most of the time I have a good handle on things, but some days you just feel that it all slipped away and you have no idea when or how or why. When I get like this I want to remember this quote. Excuses won't fix any problems or help in any way.

I think I do apply this one a lot in my life. My biggest thing when I feel like things are bit messy is to make a big to-do list. They are my favorite things to do, actually. It helps me see organization in a chaotic time and helps me focus on what needs to be done. Plus it really helps me see that there's not AS much on my plate as I think when I don't write it down. You know? Like when you start thinking "I need to go to the grocery store and buy makings for dinner. Oh and some treats for the game tomorrow night, and I might as well stock up on some toilet paper. Oh and..." and you suddenly feel like you have TOO much to do, but then you write all the items you really need and which can wait till you go grocery shopping next and suddenly all that weight gets lifted off your shoulders and you feel better. I almost like when I feel I need to make lists because the trivial things end up falling out of my focus and don't matter anymore.

So remember everyone: Don't make excuses, make improvements! (I don't know why but I suddenly heard some sort of rehab group yelling this in my head haha)

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