
Jul 27, 2013


And speaking of sons (if you read my previous post)... We decided to surprise my mom with my brother's return. He'd been wanting to surprise her many times before but it always fell through. Well he finally found out he'd be home this weekend, and of course my mom couldn't wait to see him. He told her he'd be home Sunday night, but told me it was actually this morning. I was the only one who knew so I went to pick him up from the airport and take him to my grandma's (since we all had plans to go to the Farmer's Market today). Ignore my stupid face in the beginning, I do that sometimes when I take video haha. Mom & son reunited for a few days before she moves to Tennessee (a thought I'm trying to avoid thinking at all costs right now). If you couldn't tell, she was beyond happy and surprised. It even made me tear up a little bit (not that THAT should be surprising! Haha) which is why my "Surprise!" cracks a little bit in the end. Happy to have you home little brother! P.S. grandma doesn't act like anything is different in the background because she blew her surprise and saw us pull up before we got a chance to surprise her haha. But she was pretty happy to see him again (although I think she realized this means she doesn't get her peace and quiet since he'll be living with her).

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