
Nov 17, 2013

Luck ain't got nothin' on my man

Let me tell you something, Larry is a lucky, lucky man! It's a little like this:

Ha ha, but no seriously. He's told me throughout our whole relationship that he's lucky. Anytime he waits until the last minute to buy the next big thing (if he was ever into the next big thing), or anything along those lines, I'd tell him he better hope he finds it in time, his response is something like "I don't need hope, I'm lucky!" To which I respond with an eye roll and a "yeah, whatever."

It took me a long time to see it, but it's true. The latest proof: Larry works at a job (OMG I know), and for about two years now we've known that job was going away. You see, CVS bought out his company and was slowly eliminating all the departments (since there aren't really any CVS pharmacies out here). Luckily they were offering this pretty nice severance package to those that waited till the end. Me, being a planner and knowing Larry's skills, experience, and education, figured it wouldn't take him long to find a new job and was okay with him waiting till the end. He, however, just said he'd find something with no worries because he's lucky. This brings us to almost two weeks ago when CVS reps came in and said they loved Larry so much they just had to have him on his team. They offered him a job right on the spot to their offices in Chicago, Larry told them we weren't interested in relocating to Chicago, so they told him they'd make it a stay at home job! They are giving him a raise and offering bonuses and everything! So now, starting Jan 1, he officially has a new job, no "job hunting" required and starting sometime in March he'll be doing it from our office here. I mean, this job is almost too-good-to-be-true, but it is! I'm not sure how he does it, I swear he has some sort of magic charisma that works on everyone! I just hope to ride his lucky coattails the rest of my life ;) ha ha

So congratulations to Larry, my babe, the hubs! You done well and I'm so happy for you!
For those wondering (because this has come up) this does NOT affect any baby plans.

1 comment:

Jeff and Traci said...

Congratulations!! That's so awesome.