
Nov 21, 2013

Rant for the Day

So I'm driving to work today and a certain news station (which will not be named here) comes on the radio with an "ad" for two stories they'll be covering tonight. The two stories they decided to share were: Why you shouldn't take second helpings on Thanksgiving and Is Facebook envy affecting your happiness. This got me to thinking. My first though being "Really?! That's what the news is covering now?"
I have to say I've gotten into the habit of avoiding reading the news because it's either really depressing or the most ridiculous news ever. I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear about my neighbors being shot in the middle of the night and then hear about how Facebook Envy could affect my happiness.
Why don't we cover advances in science and medicine, I see tons of posts going around about people who are dying from cancer or who aren't catching things quick enough. I hear the tests for early detection are beyond being even kind of affordable, but why? Why make it harder to live healthier?
Or how about we try and restore some faith in humanity and cover more topics of people who are helping out and making it more public as to where you can go to help out, Thanksgiving is coming up, the time to be thankful for what you have (that's NOT materialistic) and to spread that.
People should not HAVE to post this:

We should make it more public instead of having a 5 min segment between the depressing and joke news.
If you want to know where to help more this holiday season you can follow any of these links:
And help our furry friends and the Humane Society
Thanks for listening and for any help you do give!

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