
Jan 5, 2015

Cutest site ever (Also, Number 27)

So confession time: last July-ish Larry and I talked about possibly starting to try for a baby (why does that sound so TMI to me?) and because we were pretty serious about it I started reading all my pre-pregnancy books. Well one night I was in our room watching TV when Larry randomly walks in with one of the books and opens it up. I asked what he was doing and he said he was reading the part for men and what they need to do so that he could be as prepared as I am. I thought it was too adorable not to take a picture of...

We've obviously put those plans on hold for now, but I just had to share this picture above and how freaking cute it was! He still makes me all giddy inside, especially when he doesn't realize I'm watching him. Anyways, there's my silly little post for the night.

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