
Jan 17, 2015

My Post-Insanity Week Update

I feel like time is just flying by without pause lately. Before I know it I'm ready to make the new grocery list for the week. This past week was no exception, I had tons I wanted to blog about but didn't feel like I had the time. So now that I do have a moment, here's what happened that I meant to add:

We're still on our my de-cluttering mission. Last weekend it was the office so that was a nice room to get cleared out. This weekend was the bathrooms (you know, clearing out under the sink, going through hair/nail products, organizing it into what we use often and what can be put closer to the back) I also included the laundry room since that is just off one of the bathrooms. I love getting rid of crap we don't need, it makes me feel so organized and clean! Our donation pile has grown so much, so once that's gone I'm sure I'll feel like we almost have a new home :)

After last weekend's de-cluttering Larry and I decided to use up our Target gift cards and have a little shopping spree. Originally I wanted to get some sleds and a new pot for Chris Pinetree (my tree pal...yes I named him), but they had absolutely none of those so we just winged it. Larry bough A Million Ways to Die in the West (an awesome movie!) and I got the top two games and the cute little nail stencil kit (in both pictures above). I have always liked the Dream Day Wedding games (they are like an ISpy sort of game) and I love Castle, the show, and the game seemed like another spy-like game so I figured I'd give it a try. Of course, once we got home I realized my new computer doesn't have a cd drive so I wasn't able to actually play them. I did have an external drive on my Amazon Wish List, but I was waiting to buy that so I had to put a hold on playing the games. That is until...

Larry surprised me by buying the external drive for me :) I was so surprised when I came home, saw a package at our door, and opened it to see this. He's such a sweetheart, I can't believe how thoughtful he is. I'm such a lucky girl! I uploaded both games to my computer and played the  Dream Day Honeymoon game tonight after cleaning out the bathrooms (I try and reward myself when I get my cleaning done to help motivate me). I get so hooked into those games, I can't start without finishing them every time. When I got my new laptop there was a free version of one of the games, I immediately downloaded it and played it all in one night. It doesn't seem like they should take a while, but they take me a couple hours to play from start to finish.

I know technically this says it's from mid-December, but it's to represent the fact that this work week was insane! I can't believe how busy we've been, I think that's contributed to the quickness and chaos that's been my weeks lately. I love being busy, it helps me feel so productive, but it's been SO super busy I haven't had a chance to even think of anything else while there. Luckily my mom is just a quick call away, I try and call her when I have a rough day to just unwind. If it's not a call to my mom it's listening to loud music on my way home that I can yell at the top of my lungs to...that really helps a lot!

Tuesday night I got to go visit with my friend Jaynon (and Tierney was there too!). I've missed working with these girls, we always have so much fun and laugh so much. I get so jealous of Jaynon because she got to live in Italy for a couple years and now she's in California. I hope I'll be able to go visit her in her home soon. The picture above is obviously not from that night, it's from her Christmas card, but I didn't take any pictures while I was there. Her little boy had a little cough, which was so sad, but he's so adorable! I totally feel a baby vibe lately where when I hold them I never want to give them up...babies are so fun even if they are slobbering on you haha. This little guy fell asleep on me for a bit and when he woke up he gave me this look that was just so "Hey! You're not my mom!" haha. He is such a smiley boy though and it was so fun playing with him and getting him to smile as much as possible. It was fun catching up with Tierney too, she's such a laid back person and it's nice to be around people like that (she's pretty private, so I'm not going to share too much, but just know she's fun!).

This weekend Skyler had drill so he decided to stay over tonight to get away from base for a little bit (it helps that we are like 10 minutes away from it now). I think Larry likes having time to hang out with his brother, especially since he'll be leaving in a couple months for Drill and AIT. I also think Larry loves being able to share his stories from when he was in the military and have someone who can relate to them. After their stories they of course had to play the new Wii-U :)

The kitties have helped keep us grounded and remember how fun/funny life can be. We definitely like to unwind each night with them!

So that's been my crazy week, actually you could probably copy and paste most of that for the last couple of weeks and it would hold true. I'm looking forward to next month so we can do more (right now cleaning the house out is my number one priority and that's probably going to be taking up the rest of the month) and hopefully it will be a little less crazy then.

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