
Aug 12, 2016

John Mulaney

I had the BEST night ever tonight! Oh my gosh seeing my favorite comedian in person was the best ever!

So I found out a couple weeks ago that John Mulaney was coming to Utah to a Wise Guys. There are pros and cons to a comedian coming there. Pros: sometimes you get a chance to meet them after their act. It's also a smaller venue so it feels more personal. Cons: there aren't assigned seats so you have to get there early if you want something decent. All his shows were sold out so I wanted to make sure we were there super early! We ended up showing up while his first show was going so we decided to stop for dinner at Wing Nutz before hand, which was pretty good and filling so it worked. I went and stood in line for the show while Larry paid for dinner (it was only a block away so not too far). We were the third ones in line and I was so excited! I knew we'd get good seats.

We ended up sitting in the second row right in front of the mic so we got REALLY good seats. The opener, Max Silvestri, came out and was hilarious! I was in tears with a couple of his stories so I knew it was a good start to the night. Then Mulaney came out and he just killed it! There was hardly a joke I didn't laugh to tears at. The best was when he found out a guy in the front didn't know about his show or really anything about him as a comedian!


I've seen a few great comedians at Wise Guys before, but this was by far my favorite time going. His jokes were perfect, seeing him in person was the best, and it was just a great night. Unfortunately he didn't meet with anyone afterwards, so that was disappointing, but seeing him that close was enough to hold me over for a bit. I hope he comes out with a new special soon, because that would be awesome! If you don't know who John Mulaney is, check out one if best jokes here. It's not my favorite, but it's a good one!

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