
Aug 13, 2016

Park City and Another Ghost Tour

So I've been wanting to kind of recreate the time we went to Park City a few years back. It was such a fun day, but I heard they had new attractions there. One of them being a ropes course like what I did when I visited mom last time. They also had a bobsled ride, zip lines, and a drop zone. I decided to set the plan to go this weekend and got us our weekend activities pass they offer.

Like I said, I'm loving being out in the sun lately so going up there and being outside all day long was heaven for me....Larry could've stayed home in the a/c haha. We did learn the bobsled thing is not worth the extra money...we both were in so much pain afterwards we wanted to die a little bit. It was so hard making nice chit chat with our "pilot" afterwards (because you have to ride the shuttle with him so they can take the sled back up). But we got it over with early one so we could go enjoy the other activities

We got to do the ropes course they had (they have a harder one and an easier one, we did both), but they were NOTHING compared to the one at mom's. I told Larry he's coming with me next time I visit so he can do theirs because it is so much more fun! Ours had probably 10 challenges, but mom's has like 10 things of 5 challenges you zip line to each after finishing the last's much more challenging too.

The drop zone was probably the scariest part. It reminded me of jumping the cliffs in St. George, but I did it quicker and just went with it...and I survived :)

After doing the activities we realized we had enough time to get ice cream, drive home, let Larry shower, and head to do another ghost tour! We also recreated our first picture from the last time we went...not perfect, but cute enough ;)

The ghost tour! Wow it was so much fun! We had a MUCH larger group this time, of about 18 people. Most of us met up for dinner before, but this time at Brio at City Creek since it's so much closer. It was expensive, but so very yummy! We all had such a good time talking and eating. Then after that was done we headed over to the shuttle. Luckily we were on time this time (last time we accidentally started it like 30 minutes late due to us being late).

This tour was a lot like the first, a lot more historical fact than actual ghost hunting. Still creepy to see all the stuff. We got better pictures this time (I have one below that shows orbs in the Fort Douglas Cemetery, but I swear they aren't in any of the other pictures).

We also got to see Ted Bundy's cellar...we couldn't go down into it though. They said you can on your own, but the tour can't allow it because they'd be liable if anyone got hurt. It seemed creepy like animals or homeless people would live in it

Overall it was creepier than the first one, but we had a lot more free range to walk around on the first one so they kind of even out. I would still recommend checking them out if you are interested in the creepy stories. I'm hoping Larry and I can do one of the paranormal investigations where you stay overnight in a haunted place...because that would be super eerie!!!

Have a great night all!

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