
Sep 19, 2016

Well hello there BB!

Here's our first baby picture. It's a happy and sad one...that little black blob at the bottom (towards the right) is a subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH) that they have to monitor. Turns out if it gets too big it can cut off oxygen to the baby or it can get in the way of the placenta developing. There's nothing they can do about it, but after reading more about it they are actually pretty common and 90% clear up on their own so we are just thinking positive and focusing on the baby for right now. Speaking of BB, the little blob is doing very well! We found out we're 6 weeks 5 days according to the measurements and the HR was 124! Which, from what I've heard, is a really good heartbeat and very strong for how early I am. So far the Strong & Healthy motto is sticking really well! This means Wednesdays are when I'm the new week so I'll be taking the bump pictures those days of the weeks. For now, I'm just going to rejoice that our baby is healthy, doing really well, and at least I get ultrasounds every couple of weeks until the SCH is either cleared up or they don't think it will effect BB anymore. I will say we do refer to BB as he as more hopeful thinking. We don't know the sex, we'll be happy with either, but I've always wanted a boy first, so if you see that don't think it's us announcing anything (obviously it's too early for that now, but just for future reference).

See ya Wednesday!

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