
Apr 2, 2018

Cara is ELEVEN Months

I am ELEVEN months old!

We were traveling so I didn't get her usual
Monthly are other size reference pics
I like: Going for walks (while holding our fingers), eating new foods, animals (specifically ones she lives with, but she seems to like all animals), books, music and dancing, and blocks
Finally semi-warm enough to spend time outside!
I dislike: Teething pain at night, falling or if we stop helping her walk, and strangers (as usual)
I am now: No Dr. appointment this month and we were in a different state at her actual 11 month switch so I'm not sure on weight. But she wears size 3 diapers still and is inching out of 9 month clothes so we started putting her in 12 months. They kind of drown her, but it's not too bad she shouldn't be in them.

Baby overalls are officially the cutest thing ever!!

A Typical Day looks like: As usual I wake her up around 7:30 and change her clothes. I let her play a little in her room until it's time to go downstairs to get ready for breakfast. Around 7:48 I feed her 4 oz of baby food followed by a 6.5 oz bottle. After that I brush her teeth and get her finished up and ready for the day and around 8:15 I leave her with Larry while I head to work.

She will nap from 10-11 with Larry, eat a 4 oz lunch pouch at 11:30 followed by a 5 oz bottle, then play time. Another nap from 2-3, a 7 oz bottle at 3:30 and play time until I get home around 5:40. We eat dinner at 6 together, she has another 4 oz of baby food and some bites of our food. Around 7:15 we give her a 6.5 oz bottle and if we have some fruit around we'll give her bites of that. 7:40 we brush her teeth, 7:45 we get her ready for bed (this includes bath time on Sundays and Wednesdays still). She sleeps at 8 and then we go do our own thing. It's been such a nice schedule for us!
This Month I: Got to visit with my grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins from afar when we went to Tennessee to see new family. These visits included seeing MANY new animals, an Easter egg hunt, and my first time on a playground. I got some more teeth and got to try lots of new foods!

Such a great traveler!

Going to the Memphis Zoo

Easter Egg hunt with Nana!
I also learned this month I'm going to be a big sister and even though I have no idea what that means, they tell me with big smiles so I think it'll be a good thing.

Wilson side of the family

All grandbabies (outside the womb)

Cara KIND OF warmed up to Papa
Parent's Notes: This month was incredible, Cara's personality is really coming out lately! She's funny with how much she likes to try new foods (at one point she ate like 20-30 penne noodles in addition to her dinner, some bites of bread, and some bites of dad's dinner...she was a bottomless pit!). She is still having a really hard time with strangers so I'm thinking I may bring that up to her pediatrician at her 12 month appointment. She's not showing any interest in signing, which is discouraging, but I want to keep up with it still just in case she is just taking her time learning that. She's becoming a walking machine, when she wants to be. Otherwise she only takes a couple steps and acts like that's all she can do and wants to be held. She's getting teeth starting to show in her gums a lot lately so she hasn't been as happy as she normally is, but still easy to deal with.

We're now focusing on getting everything together for her first birthday (because my baby is going to be ONE in less than a month!)
Update on last month's goals:
  • Well she likes to use a spoon when we feed her (we have to give her her own), but she's not quite ready to scoop things up or anything. This one might take a while, but I'll stick with it.
  • Yeah, still haven't called the swimming lesson place...I should do that soon with summer coming up.
  • We started making her do the signs, but then we stopped for some reason. I should pick that up again.
  • Walking can be checked off! She knows what she's doing now :)

Goals for next month:
  • Plan a great first birthday party, even though it's mostly for me!
  • Work on making her sign still
  • Call the swimming lessons place!!!
  • Work on the utensils again
  • Get her to say words! She says a couple, but I'm pretty sure the only one she has down is "dada" and sometimes "yeah" and "hi". But I'm not confident on those last two, and I swear she's teasing me with pretending to not know "mama"
  • Get a good meal plan going so she can be on regular food once she hits 1.

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