
Apr 6, 2018

New Skills Sucking Through A Straw

Okay, yes I'm giving myself a big round of applause because our little girl can officially drink out of a straw and she is completely self taught! Funny story, I've been trying to get her figure this out, but how do you teach sucking? I know she knows how to suck with a bottle, but the nipple of a bottle is significantly shorter than a straw so she'd only suck a little bit and if nothing came up after that she gave up. While we were in Tennessee I got a Jamba Juice (to help with the nausea and keep it hidden) and I gave Cara the cup to try and suck through the straw, but didn't realize till after she had it that she doesn't normally know how to do that. Well surprisingly she picked it right up! She started sucking and once she tasted a little bit of my smoothie she was hooked!

When we got back from that trip I put a tiny bit of green juice in a cup with a straw and gave it to her to see if she remembered how to do it and she did! Now she's a straw sucking machine! I'm so very proud and you can tell she's pretty happy with herself for learning this new silly skill. It's silly, but it makes me so happy to see her learn new things, especially when they are almost out of the blue :)

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