
May 10, 2021

Mother's Day as a mom of 3

So apparently I only post about Mother's Day when a new addition is added because I can't find any previous mother's day notes other than those ones. 

My highlight last year was the Mrs. Field's treat box from Larry. I might have to tell him I'd like this every year. It was a gift that kept on giving, for one it showed how well he knew me (the way to my heart is through my sweet tooth for sure!). Secondly, the treats lasted for weeks and everything was so delicious! This year was different for a few different reasons. 

Our deal has always been my first mother's day after a new kid I'd like a necklace with their birthstone. Now with Cara's I had the necklace picked out months in advance. With Gwen it was probably months as well (I didn't LOVE the color of her stone so finding a setting I liked with it took a while). With Lucy, well Larry ended up doing the searching. He looked up the stone and found a few necklaces and I'd tell him yay or nay. So this year I had no idea which one he ended up getting and it blew me away. He picked a perfect one (I believe it's an alexandrite stone and it changes color based on what sort of lighting it's in). Larry made us a big breakfast of buttermilk waffles that turned out amazing. I would've liked to sleep in, but he wanted to surprise me.

After breakfast and cleaning we were originally going to go for a hike, but I decided staying in my pajamas all day sounded better. I've never been SO exhausted in the morning (after the kids are sleep trained that is), so by the time Lucy went down for her morning nap I agreed to let Cara play Mario and Gwen to play on the tablet and I decided to take a little nap myself. It was VERY nice. When I woke up I saw Wendy's was giving away free frosty's with the purchase of a food item and I LOVE Wendy's burgers so I decided that was my lunch that day. I was going to go get it myself in a peaceful/quite car ride, but Cara and Gwen decided they just HAD to go with me so it ended up being a chaotic drive (I didn't even think about switching with Larry until we were already on the road). After lunch and the girls went down for a nap I decided to watch "Before I Fall" on Netflix (it was okay). 

After nap time we had to meet up with my brother and Rachel for a late lunch/early dinner thing at Applebee's. While it was fun to visit with everyone (Rachel's sister's family was also there), the girls constantly needed to go to the bathroom and Lucy's need to grab everything and make a mess was sure a distraction (although a super nice look into what parenthood with 3 is really like). 

After that we came home, hung out in the living room, and just let the girls play around until bath time. Luckily I had Lucy (who is the easier one at bedtime) and then I got to watch another movie and just relax the rest of the night.

I was so happy to not have to do laundry or grocery shopping (shopping was done yesterday and laundry will be moved to next week), I was happy to have a nap and a day with my girls. I wish I had been motivated to do more, but having a day where I didn't have to plan and could just make choices as the day went on was nice. If I had had my way, I would've not gone out to lunch to be able to stay in my pajamas, but it's probably good that I socialized a bit haha.

Larry did try and get the girls to point out reasons they loved me, but they were both so confused they just had weird answers that made no sense. Here's to hoping next year they know how to answer that question haha.

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