
Feb 14, 2023

Valentine's Day 2023

Okay, okay, I know I don't need to go into my schpill of how much I usually dislike this day. However, this year we had a lot of fun with it! I ordered my fun decorations for the house and even though I could use more, I have a good start for it.

I made plans to pre-make heart shaped pancakes and waffles on the Saturday before and freeze them for breakfast this morning. I ended up finding a heart waffle maker so I thought that would be perfect, but after seeing how small it is I realized it would take WAY too long to make enough for all of us so I decided to make 1 waffle and 2 pancakes for us for Saturday morning AND extras for today. I froze the ones for today and toasted them for breakfast. The girls seemed to really like them!

Our new recipe this year was a trifle. We made it Saturday and even though the custard didn't ever thicken so the cake itself looked disgusting, it tasted AMAZING!! I was pretty happy with how it turned out. 

Cara had her class celebration so we got to decorate a box. We went to get some unicorn paper to cover a shoe box with and then we had some heart stickers she added to it. I think it turned out really cute. I only cut the paper too, she glued it on and put the stickers on herself.

Cara's Valentine's Box for school
I also got us all some candy, I got the kids a toy, a book, and a game for a fun Valentine's surprise this morning.

The only down side is I had also planned to get makings for Fondue for dinner and a fun pink drink to have with lunch, but I totally forgot to get the ingredients for that (and I had been planning this all for WEEKS). I was also going to "love bomb" their doors, but decided since they can't really read it might not be best to do that this year. I also forgot to read our "Night Before Valentine's Day" book I bought a couple years ago.

I was bummed that with all my planning I only got things for the morning done so it felt like once breakfast was over so was the day, but Larry reminded me I've already done more than I have in the past and more than our parents did for us so I shouldn't beat myself up so much for forgetting. I did make sure we all said why we loved each other during lunch so that we had SOMETHING that wasn't too materialistic and kept us focused on why we celebrate the day, which is the most important part.

Overall we had a pretty dang good Valentine's Day. I still dread when the kids are older and they deal with the "buying a candy/flower/whatever for your friends" thing the schools do (I so wish I could get rid of that!), but for now they are happy with the day and I'll do my best to make sure they hold onto those feelings for the holiday.

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