
Dec 25, 2012

All I Want For Christmas Is You

So I have to say, this Christmas has got to be, hands down, one of the best I've ever had! The only thing that would've made it better was to have my brother, Andy, home for it. But I know he's trying to be here for my wedding so I completely understand. We got to Skype with him for a little bit-I'll admit, it brought tears to my eyes. I just miss him so much and knowing he doesn't get to be with our loud, sarcastic, uber fun family breaks my heart (especially around the holidays!). Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year, so to think of not being with my family? Man, that's tough and he does it without any complaining so I really can't wait till he gets home.

We got A TON of stuff this year! I mean just look at this haul:

Oh and if anyone thinks we need anymore sweets or treats, well I invite you to look at our dining table here:
We are definitely good for some time, but know that I am NOT complaining one bit, I love candy so this is happiness to me. But there will be no dining on this table for a while haha.

Also, look how cute this little guy is:

It's a cookie jar, and I'm OBSESSED with bears! I've already warned Larry our house will be decorated with bear stuff AND I didn't have a cookie jar yet. I love it! Thanks to my friend Stace

Now award for the most entertaining gift ever goes to my parents. Side note: There's an on going joke in my family that I have big feet, it started with a random comment and has just taken off as my nickname among my step-dad and brothers. I don't think my feet are super big, but compared to my legs and ankles they do seem to be...abnormal. Anyways, for one of my gifts I got these:

Oh my gosh they are so warm and comfy and I love them! I laughed so hard when I got them-fits so well. Well Oscar HATES them! He freezes when I walk and if I run...oh lord help that poor kitty as he dashed without looking anywhere away from them. I crack myself up with it. And while this isn't the best video, I happened to catch him real quick before hiding from them on video (which I guess I'll have to post in a separate post as the video won't be on here without the HTML code and with that the pictures don't show). Anyways, just know it's hilarious until I do post the video, best entertainment ever! Larry loved all his gifts, of course. I think he might have expected most of the ones I got him, but the ones he didn't expect I think he loves! I'm glad I know him so well! I'll post more about our Christmas later, for now I just wanted to show how much we're loved and thought of this season and say I hope everyone else had a GREAT Christmas like us :)

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