
Dec 20, 2012


So I decided that even though I don't really believe the world is ending tomorrow, I wanted to post a little post about everything I'm grateful for that 2012 has brought to me (it seems like one of my biggest years, although I'm sure I'll have bigger):

This year, Larry and I moved into our very own home. I'm so very thankful for our place, I've loved our neighbors (though that feeling might not be as mutual), I've loved the little area we've come into. I've loved that we can call it our own and we can do whatever we want in it! It really is our perfect first home together!

This year brought me to one of the things I've wanted since I was 16-perfect, natural vision. I took this picture to represent all the stuff I was throwing out. Of course, I kept the glasses as a memento of how far blind I was before doing the surgery, but it felt so good to throw the rest out (the drops were contact only drops so they were useless to me)
This year brought in my first in a while without any car payments (YES! I own something! Officially) and Larry also got his first car that had payments attached to it that weren't for repairs :) High fives for growing up more this year! High five!

Of course I HAVE to mention this year bringing me a wedding (even if it won't be till next year technically)! I mean when you've been with the love of your life for 7 years...well you try being more patient than I was! Ha ha. I love that my family loves him, his family loves me, and we definitely are absolutely crazy for each other!

I am so happy to have a new job this year! Not only to have a new job, but one with people I love and for a company I respect! HEQ has been so amazing this year, I've had more parties with them in my 8 months than I did in my 2 1/2 year at the credit union, they are so giving to the community and they make us all feel special when we accomplish something. This picture happened to be what they did to my desk for my birthday!

We've met some new friends this year, people that make us laugh! People that we would like to know forever and have tons of fun with. People that especially can laugh at themselves when they've passed out in our tub. Do not even ask how he slept like that, but I happen to know he did for about 3 hours no matter how much we tried to wake him up (including turning the shower head on!)

And now some things that didn't necessarily come in 2012, but I'm still really grateful for:
I absolutely love my cats! They really make me happy and when I'm having a bad day I'm guaranteed to get a smile just by playing with them or seeing them cuddle together!

My family, but really most importantly, my mom! Don't get me wrong other family members out there that might be reading this-I love you all unconditionally and would literally take a bullet for each and every one of you! No way would I ever be me without any of you (even if you came into the game later!). My family is everything to me, but my mom has been there for me EVERY. SINGLE. STEP! She taught me what it means to have a family and, above all, a support system! I have molded my life after her in a way. I've learned from her mistakes, taken lessons from her successful moments, I've learned to care and befriend others and not just for some personal gain. She makes me laugh, but also gives me reality checks when I need them. I swear I'm her clone, not her daughter, and I love that! I couldn't have a better mom if I got to choose from all of them out there! Love you momma!

Last, but very certainly not least, I'm so grateful for this guy! He is my rock, my better half, my companion throughout everything. He is my Seeker (bonus points if you know what I'm talking about here!). He is more than anything I could've asked for. I know we're not perfect, but I feel we're perfect for each other. He's known me since I was 16 years old and even 8 years later he still loves me just the same. We've definitely grown up in so many different ways, and I'm so happy that it's been together. I mean, we spent almost an entire year and a half apart, and came out so strong! I think it almost helped us too because we realized what life would be like without the other one there to share in all our moments and while we did have friends or family to lean on, it definitely wasn't the same. I don't think I could've done that with anyone else and been so happy in the end. He's taught me to be more mature, more loving, more fun, and to not take things too seriously all at the same time. We do have our things we don't agree with each other on, but it's fun to argue them and then laugh at each other (though he'll be the first to tell you I get SO heated over them and he laughs at me and then I just tell him to stop laughing at me. He may not know this, but I LOVE when he laughs at me). We went on vacation together, lost $500 and our car keys and were able to laugh about it the same day! Why? Because we work so incredibly well together and...well I don't exactly know how to put it into words, but to say I had a support system before him is one thing, but the support I have now for any and all decisions? It's basically tripled because of him, he's just ALWAYS there for me and understands me and knows exactly what I'm thinking! He's incredible, and not only is he all mine, but he's all mine for forever!

Overall, this year has pretty much rocked! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings knowing by the end of it I'll officially be Mrs. Bradsby (yes, I love the ring it has to it!). So basically, the world can't just end yet, I've got too much to look forward to and pass on to others.

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