
May 7, 2013

Motivational Monday...on a Tuesday

So I will admit, I care entirely too much what people think, say, and do. It affects me and my self esteem way too much. After a recent mini-meltdown I was talking to Larry about it and decided I really needed to find ways to calm down a bit. I then saw this quote on a website:
After seeing it, I decided to make it a motto-so I wrote it on a post it and stuck it on my computer at work to remind myself that I need to make my life-show great, and only I can let people in to change it in some way (whether positive or negative). To tell you the truth, it reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies: The Holiday (if you haven't seen it-DO!) where Kate Winslet's character (Iris) is talking with her temporary elderly neighbor (Arthur) about a guy that treated her like dirt back home and the following conversation happens:
Arthur: So, he's a Schmuck
Iris: As a matter of fact he is...a huge schmuck. How did you know?
Arthur: He let you go. This is not a hard one to figure out. Iris, in the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend.
Iris: You are so right. You're supposed to be the leading lady of your own life, for god's sake!
That inspired this quote for me, making me realize I need to be the leading lady of MY own life! This also inspired me to do a Motivational Monday post every once in a while to keep reminding myself that things aren't as bad as they seem sometimes. You know when you read a quote and it really means something to you vs. when you read a quote and you think "well that's nice, but doesn't feel like it applies to me"? Well I'm definitely only working on putting the former on here. I can't promise it'll be every Monday, but I will aim for at least once a month. It will be my goal to make sure I keep the positive in mind and not to get too down in the dumps over something that really won't matter in a day or so.

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