
May 4, 2013

When doesn't something happen these days?

So let me say this wedding is coming on full force, I'm pretty sure every time I talk to my mom 20 more people get added to the guest list. I'm not complaining (anymore), because it's nice to know so many people WANT to come to our wedding, I just hope they have enough food for everyone (it's a buffet though, so I'm sure they will).

It seems every single weekend is FILLED with wedding stuff or something to just cross of my list so I don't have to worry about it once we get closer to the wedding. We are officially at the 6 week mark and it hits me how much more we still have to do every day...the stress pimples love showing their ugly faces!

So with all that I made a little list of things I'm looking forward to after this is all done with:
  • Not having an alarm set for my weekends (I don't see not having one every single weekend up until the 16th of June).
  • Finally getting to eat the chocolate I've had stored since Easter!
  • Not feeling like I need to check myself on the scale every morning to make sure I'm still on track.
  • Finally saying my family has met Larry's family in an official manner and while they all looked so nice :)
  • Getting rid of all the wedding junk we're storing in our wedding storage room *ahem* guest room.
  • FINALLY getting to relax here (photos from TripAdvisor):

(Yes these are different hotel pics from when I posted on our honeymoon last time, but these are the right ones. I decided to change the hotel and we've officially booked this place now)
Now don't get me wrong, I'm so thrilled to be getting married, but it really takes a lot out of you. I remember one weekend drive in the beginning I was talking to Larry about how I read this article about how to get through wedding planning while keeping your relationship in tact, or something like that, and one of the pointers was to make sure one day was free of all things wedding (no talking, no planning, nothing to do with it) and I made a joke about how we maybe only dedicated one day TO wedding planning at that point and so I doubt we'd have that problem, and then one day that problem reared it's ugly head and now we talk about it ALL. THE. TIME! I'm pretty sure we have at least one day without it, but it just all gets so mashed up now that I never really know haha. I guess I just can't wait till it's here, finally, and all the weird dreams can go away, and all my fears will be gone with, and I can just smile super big and be so happy to see everyone.
...6 more weeks, 6 more weeks, 6 more weeks...

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