
Aug 1, 2015

Bountiful Flight Experience and a New Niece! (Number 31)

So this weekend I got to make a wish come true for Larry: he got to fly an airplane for the first time! He's been wanting to do this for a while, and if you remember I got him this for his birthday. We finally got it schedule for this weekend (which I kind of felt bad of because my dad's side of the family is having a reunion this weekend and I thought it was last weekend when I scheduled this so we had to skip out of that...sorry Wilson clan! I will try better next year to remember!). Anyways, I'll have to mess with the video and then load it up later, but here are some pictures from it:

The company we went with.
Highly recommend them.

Our instructor, Kyler, going over the different parts of the plane

Pre flight picture

Taking off

My baby's flying!

Lagoon looks tiny from high above

It's not REAL clear, but this is when we
Did the zero g's part.
You can sort of see the water bottle floating.

I didn't take this upside down, my camera
Got confused and did that since we were suspended
In mid air.

We had to come down eventually...

Look how small that plane is! This was after the flight

Larry and Kyler backing the plane into place...seriously.

The only picture of us in front of the plane
Yeah...we're kind of awkward.
It was nice because our instructor gave us info on getting your pilot's license (like how much it costs and how many hours you need for a private plane vs commercial) so now if we decide to do it we're aware. Although right now Larry's got enough school going on so this wouldn't be in our immediate future, but it's nice to dream huh? Haha.

Anyone interested in flight stuff should definitely do the KSL deal I got, it was more than worth it. I'm glad I got to go with (doing the 4 zero g's parts was probably my favorite, but seeing Larry's smile was pretty awesome too). I earned my wife of the year award today haha.

So you may want to ask what is the best way to end a day like this? To go visit a baby! My Sister-In-Law, Amber, had her baby girl, Lydia on the 30th (so she's brand spanking new), and I was lucky enough to be on the visitor's list so I jumped at the chance to go. Look how cute and tiny she is:

The picture doesn't do her justice, but her foot is as long as my thumb. She has these teeny sideburns that just melt me, they are so cute. I'm obsessed with baby nails too for some reason, they are so cute. Amber's so excited to have a girl and put bows in her hair and dress her up. She's going to have so much fun. Hopefully they get to take her home soon, she's in the NICU right now, but she's in good hands and they think she'll get to go home very soon. She's so cute when she gets frustrated her whole face will wrinkle up and she makes like every expression at once. I already love her so much and I can't wait to go see her again! Congratulations to my brother, Shawn, and Amber on their precious baby girl..hopefully William will be a great big brother who helps a lot :)

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