
Oct 12, 2016

10 Weeks

How far along? 10 Weeks...officially the longest I've been pregnant before...woot woot! (also the size of a kumquat)

Weight loss/gain? I swear our scale HAS to be broken. Some nights I'm up to 123, but then the next morning it's back to 121...UGH!

Maternity  Clothes? Nope. Wearing anything too tight bothers my stomach so I'm sticking to keeping my pants unbuttoned.

Sleep? Still getting butt cramps, but Larry gave me his lovely U pillow and I have this little heaven on earth in the bed. It's the best (when the kitty's share haha)

Best moment of the week: Just having the bleeding from the SCH stop! That seriously needs to be gone already!

Miss Anything? I'm kind of missing being able to do things. I have absolutely no energy for anything. I want to decorate for Halloween, but I just sleep and sleep right now. It's worth it, but I can't wait for May so I can feel normal again.

Movement: Still too early

Cravings/Aversions: Still sticking to cereal, spaghettio's, and applesauce.

Gender: Won't know for a few months still

Labor Signs: Not even close.

Symptoms: Same as before. I'm really hoping I'm not one of those that is sick the entire pregnancy, but I know we're still a few weeks away until were in the 2nd trimester.

Moods: Mostly lazy and still pretty antisocial. That's about it.

Looking forward to: Ultrasound on Monday, fingers crossed we get good news!

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