
Oct 26, 2016

12 Weeks

How far along? 12 Weeks (we've reached the lime stage)

Weight loss/gain? I think I'm giving up on this question haha

Maternity  Clothes? Still just the unbutton pants.

Sleep? I toss and turn a bit still, but I sure do sleep deeply. It's probably the best part of this whole thing.

Best moment of the week: Had my 12 week appointment with the dr today and everything was looking good. HR is 170s still. Happy to be at the good stage :) My brother also moved in this past weekend so it's nice to have another person in the house in case I need more juice haha.

Miss Anything? I guess the motivation to do things, but I'm just used to it at this point so I'm good.

Movement: Still just a tiny bit too early, but hopefully soon :)

Cravings/Aversions: I'm feeling like I could eat more, I'm getting an appetite back, when I'm not sick. I would LOVE a lunch meat sandwich though...can't wait to have that after the baby is here!

Gender: We don't know, and won't know until December, but maybe I'll go off of Old Wives Tales here so that I actually have a different answer and we can compare what's right. This one will be HR...the first one was low-er (123), but it's been consistently above 140 since then. Granted the next two were above 170, but I think that might have been the stress of the hemmorraghe. The next two were 150's. This says girl [or a really active boy ;)]

Labor Signs: Not even close and I hope to keep it that way.

Symptoms: Sickness, sleep, and hunger (a little bit)

Moods: Just call me couch potato.

Looking forward to: Getting to 13 weeks...just means we're one week closer to this feeling more real. I also can't wait to feel movement. I know it probably won't be for a while, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and see if I can feel something when I'm sitting still!

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