
Dec 14, 2016

19 Weeks!

How far along? 19 Weeks (BB is a grapefruit)

Maternity  Clothes? Still the unbuttoned pants, but I know I'm going to need bigger ones son.

Sleep? Other than the butt cramps and needing to get up in the middle of the night to pee (which depending on the time, the kitties automatically think is food time), it's great. Although I hardly sleep past 7 AM so weekends are a drag, but it's worth it. Especially if I get a nap

Best moment of the week: Officially feeling movement...see that section for more info :)

Miss Anything? Nothing at all that I won't get back (like I'm noticing sledders are out and I wish I could do that, but I know I'll get to eventually)

Movement: Oh yes!! So I've been feeling little twitches here and there and I thought it was my stomach twitching. Then last night I was feeling them all over and I realized they were too specific to be twitches...that was BB. Then I realized I have been feeling this for quite some time, but it wasn't the wiggling movement I was used to so I just ignored it. Makes me so happy to finally feel little kicks and punches. I can't wait to see the ultrasound to see exactly where BB is to know which movements are coming from which limb.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing. I am loving how I feel I can eat anything that is on my approved food list.

Gender: The scan is a week from today and then we will know on Christmas...I'm so excited! The predictor I'm choosing for this week (and the last week I'm doing this) is emotions. Up until this last week I haven't felt really emotional, but this last week it's like anything will make me cry! So this says a girl. Since this is my last one I figured I'd tally the totals...we have 4 girl and 4 boy - literally 50/50 (whaaa?). So it'll be interesting to see what the results are (though I'm still feeling boy all the way)

Labor Signs: Nope, feeling great!

Symptoms: Like last week, peeing, hunger, back pains. That's about it.

Moods: Crying ALL. The. Time!!

Looking forward to: Finding out gender so we can do some shopping!!

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