
Dec 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

Let me start this out by saying I was really emotional this Christmas. After my awful Christmas last year I just wanted to get through it without any sadness or bad things happening. Luckily I got my wish this year (plus I remember last year saying I hoped I had a healthy baby by next year, so I got that wish too).

I may be biased, but this has to be the best Christmas there has ever been for the following reasons:

  • I actually slept until 5:30! I am like a child on Christmas morning so I'm usually up around 4 AM waiting for Larry to get up so while 5:30 doesn't seem late, it's late for me AND it gave me time to take a shower before getting into things for the day. Larry was up at the same time so it was perfect! After my shower we went downstairs and opened our gives from each other. We got lots of games, house stuff, and some clothes. We kind of agreed we'd do a Christmas-After-Christmas with each other. Plus we still had to celebrate my birthday so figured Monday would be for that.
  • Andy was actually up in time so we could open our gifts from/to him and from my mom to us. We got some fun baby stuff at that point and more games. It was great! I'm doing my best to get Andy's holiday spirit up again since he says he just doesn't care about them anymore.
  • We got on a Skype call with Mom, Will, Don, Tracy, Grandma, and Cindy to open our baby gender gift. Here's the important part of that video:

  • Even though I was so sure BB was a boy, I'm getting used to and excited about having a girl! It's overwhelming, but I'm just so happy BB is healthy and we know the gender at all. We watched the ultrasound DVD they recorded during our visit and it was so fun watching BB wiggle around again. Unfortunately it wasn't the whole ultrasound, but it gives us something to watch when we need to see her until we meet her in May. Here's our fun announcement:

    Finding out we're having a baby girl!
  • After we were done with all that we started our turkey and played all the games we had that we could. Andy decided to stay in with us so he played games with us. It made for such a fun day. Our Turkey was done pretty early so we had an early dinner, but it was so yummy! I don't think we could have made a better dinner. And playing the games we just got for the day made the fun of the holiday last longer than just the morning! We'll be doing the rest of our gifts later, but I don't care about that. As I've said before, I love giving gifts more than getting them so that part I'm looking forward to.
Here are pics from our Christmas:

Our tree Christmas Eve

The kitties Christmas present

How adorable, right?

Our tree when it was first decorated

Had to get one of others opening gifts :)
I hope everyone else had a great Christmas Day! I love having a 4 day weekend! I just hate when it's all over and people expect things to go back to normal...I'm going to be on a Christmas high for a long time! Haha

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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