
Dec 28, 2016

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks (Cantaloupe)

Maternity  Clothes? Still putting it off as long as possible!

Sleep? Like usual at this point, Christmas morning I was up at 5, which is sleeping in for me for Christmas, but still so so so early! One morning the butt cramps started at midnight instead of 3 AM so that was a LONG night :\

Best moment of the week: Finding out we're having a girl :) I still can't believe it, but I've definitely adjusted and it makes me feel more connected to her. But maybe that's just because I know. We also picked out a nursery theme since that was one of the first requests once we knew gender...that was a bit overwhelming for sure! Oh and Larry feeling movement finally (see the movement section for those details)

Miss Anything? I guess if I had to pick something it would be all the boogers I now have. I have to blow my nose all the time. I keep forgetting about that part.

Movement: Yeah, and Larry officially got to feel it! It was Monday night (the 26th) and we were watching Blended. I was leaning back on him and felt her wiggle and kick. I told him to put his hand on my belly to feel it, but not to push. At first he said it felt like a heart beat so I told him to keep his hand there and sure enough she wiggled and kicked him again. I could tell he was really excited to finally feel it. Every time I'd put my hand on my belly he'd ask if she was moving and would want to feel again. It's really the best feeling ever!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing new.

Gender: We have a little lady swimming around :)

Labor Signs: Nope, feeling great!

Symptoms: As usual - peeing, hunger, back pains. That's about it.

Moods: I'm still a bit emotional. See my Baby Shopping post about how emotional I get just shopping for a girl.Trying to think of girl stuff all of a sudden was scary and new. But once I got used to it and we picked things we liked I started feeling much better and now I'm REALLY excited.

Looking forward to: Meeting our little lady. I also can't wait for the next ultrasound so we can actually watch them find gender and just see how she looks then...but we still have a few weeks.

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