
Dec 7, 2016

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks (we've reached Dragon Fruit size, which we have tried and like)

Maternity  Clothes? Still just the unbutton pants. It's just so much more comfy with the round ligament pains I've had. I'm starting to feel they are getting tight in my hips so I'm going to have to upgrade soon :\

Sleep? I sleep great until 3 AM then I get cramps in my hips and butt and toss and turn each hour to turn the other way. I prefer to be on my right side though so when I'm on the left I don't sleep as well. But I'm still loving sleep.

Best moment of the week: Getting ready for Christmas. I'm starting to look up nursery ideas (although I keep leaning more towards boy ones), which makes it feel more real and exciting.

Miss Anything? Not really. I'm feeling super great lately and I don't have anything to complain about. Except wishing I could feel movements more since I know this is generally when they start (maybe I wasn't feeling them before?)

Movement: I feel like what I was feeling has I'm feeling a bit discouraged. I know with your first it can take some time. I hope I feel the real movements soon.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really special. I just get moments where I want bread or soup or something like that so I get it. But there isn't one thing I want over and over anymore.

Gender: Just a couple more weeks...EESH! The predictor I've chosen is carrying. I feel like all my u/s show BB as being really low. Also, if what I was feeling was movement it was really low so I'm going with that, which says boy.

Labor Signs: Nope and that's my biggest fear at this point. Please stay in there until May BB!

Symptoms: Peeing a lot more these days, hungry all the time, achy back when we walk too much. Belly is starting to really get in the way and I love it!

Moods: Crying more often, but that's it. No mood swings or anger or anything. I do prefer to just stay home and not do too much so I guess becoming a hermit could be a mood? Haha

Looking forward to: Feeling for sure movements, finding out gender, getting to shop soon!

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