
Nov 30, 2016

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks (size of a turnip, a naval orange, or your palm)

Maternity  Clothes? Still just the unbutton pants. It's just so much more comfy with the round ligament pains I've had.

Sleep? It's actually feeling like I sleep longer and toss and turn less. It's been nice.

Best moment of the week:  Putting our announcement up and seeing the difference between 7 and 17 weeks (whoa! There's a real bump there!)

Miss Anything? The round ligament pains could go away, but other than that, I've been good.

Movement: Feeling more squirming. I've read blogs of others who felt more between 17 and 18 weeks so hopefully we feel some more soon.

Cravings/Aversions: I'll pretty much eat anything at this point. I kind of want tuna pretty bad. Luckily I was given the green light on that so I'll probably have it for lunch next week.

Gender: We'll know in a month! The predictor I've chosen is about cravings, which I haven't had. I've had to have mints and applesauce to not throw up in the beginning. I also didn't mind candy or chips. So I'm kind of 50/50 on this, but I'll go with sweets since they helped the nausea and so that says girl.

Labor Signs: Not even close and I hope to keep it that way.

Symptoms: hunger, peeing, stretching pains.

Moods: I cry easier, but that's about it.

Looking forward to: Finding out gender and feeling more movements! Yay!

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