
Nov 25, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving this year was a great one! Probably one of the best Thanksgivings I've had in a while. Since we already spent time with my family we decided to just to go with Larry's family this year and do dinner with them. I was excited because they were the last ones we had to tell about BB and then I could finally put the announcement out there in the real world.

Unfortunately, Jena and Skyler couldn't be there so we had to send them a text instead, but everyone was still really excited for us. It's so fun to just talk pregnancy stuff freely with people and Marie seemed super excited to be a grandma again. The food was really good too and since I'm finally not feeling sick and like I can eat a little more it's the best time for me (especially around a holiday where you're supposed to eat all the time haha)!

We didn't end up staying too late there just because I get tired so much earlier these days, but it was still so much fun seeing more family and having the news out there. I love how excited people are for us and how much support we have with our families.

Today I got to finally put up our announcement:

Isn't it the cutest? I was so excited to get it put together. I had a few different ideas of what I wanted to do, but when I got this put together I knew it was perfect for us! Larry wanted to wait until we knew the gender, but with how big I'm getting and since everyone knows I was worried it would be leaked at some point so I talked him into being okay with me putting it up online. It has gotten some great reactions. I'm a bit more nervous than I thought I'd be, having it official. It's made me realize I'm okay if things aren't as publicized in our lives as I had originally thought I wanted. I like keeping it to ourselves or texting those close to us with information and news. But I'll still share some things with the world, it might be how certain people out there might see things (like grandparents or more distant relatives).

I can't believe we have less than a month until we know if BB is a he or a she. I'm feeling so strongly towards he so I think that's what BB will end up being. Every name or nursery idea is all boy so I'll be in trouble if he is actually a she haha. I just can't wait to get to Christmas and get to celebrate more. The holidays are the best time, and now that Thanksgiving is done with I can start bingeing all my Christmas movies and shows :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm definitely thankful for my family this year, I hope everyone is having as great of a time with the holidays as I am. Now to enjoy the next two days I have off and get ready to sign on the closing of our condo!!

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