
Nov 23, 2016

16 weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks (an avocado)

Maternity  Clothes? Still just the unbutton pants. But my mom got me some belly bands. Once I feel I can have tighter items around my abdomen I'll be excited to wear those!

Sleep? Same as always

Best moment of the week:  Having my mom here, having a faux giving and eating lots of food, seeing TSO, announcing to the family about the baby news, walking malls, Buy Buy Baby, and Cabelas, and showing off the house. Basically it's been one of the best weeks. Also, had my 16 week appointment yesterday and got to make the big one...set for the 21st!

Miss Anything? Well, we did a lot of walking and I'm to the point where it hurts my back to walk too much...but I'm not even that big, so that's probably going to suck in the next couple of months. Also, I got my first cold and so it's been REALLY hard to breath.

Movement: I felt little squirms this week...I remember on Sunday when we were eating with  Shawn & Amber just sitting there and feeling something. Then on Tuesday when grandma, mom, and I went to Gardner Village I felt that thing where I can tell whatever the baby is in is moving around the baby. That was crazy. But nothing since then.

Cravings/Aversions: Nope, I think I'm back to eating anything again...yay!

Gender: We have the appointment set for the 21st of December and then we'll be doing a reveal on Skype on Christmas. So we won't know until that day. The predictor I've chosen is dry or soft skin. I've had the craziest dry skin this whole time, which says boy!

Labor Signs: Not even close and I hope to keep it that way.

Symptoms: Thirst, hunger, round ligament pains, leg cramps at night, and a lot of peeing. Oh and painful back when walking around too much.

Moods: Exhaustion. I loved going out with my family, but man I cannot keep up anymore haha.

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving with Larry's family tomorrow so we can tell them the news. Then I'll be doing our announcement on Facebook. Yay!

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