
Nov 2, 2016

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 Weeks (aww...a peapod, or kiwi, whichever you prefer)

Maternity  Clothes? Still just the unbutton pants.

Sleep? Same as always

Best moment of the week:  We got an ultrasound on the 31st (Halloween) and they said the SCH is clearing up and we didn't have to schedule anymore ultrasounds anymore!! I'm sad we don't get to see the baby as much, but it's so good knowing that's on it's way out, finally! Also, see my answer below on the movement section

Look how alien-like BB looks
Miss Anything? Not even a little bit. I'm so happy to be at the stage I'm at right now. Ooh although I do wish I could eat as much as I could before, especially since I finally have the appetite and can eat more foods.

Movement: I thought I felt something yesterday morning (like at 3 AM) and then tonight I definitely felt squirming. I told Larry so he came into the living room and pushed on my belly and I could feel that whatever the baby was in was moving around. It was REALLY the most exciting thing so far!

Cravings/Aversions: I've decided after the baby is here I'm having a lunch meat sandwich AND sushi! I've made plans with Larry on how this is happening and I couldn't be more excited for that haha.

Gender: Having dreams of both at this point...wonder what that means haha. This gender predictor is the Chinese Gender chart...which says boy. Larry hates relying on the calendar, but it's a result we both want so I'm good with that :)

Labor Signs: Not even close and I hope to keep it that way.

Symptoms: Sickness, sleep, hunger, and I'm starting to need to pee more often.

Moods: Couch Potato for life right hurr!

Looking forward to: More movements...and my mom's visit! She'll be here the week before Thanksgiving and I'm SO excited to see her. We'll also announce to our families then.

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