So we've been busy the last few months getting our house all updated and snazzy...I have been LOVING going shopping for everything (although sometimes spending money isn't AS much fun when you see the bank account emptying haha). Here's a recap of all we've updated so far:
The comfiest couch on the planet!
Back when we were thinking of moving (I'm not sure we even knew we were building just yet) we decided to go look at furniture and found this amazing sectional (U-Shaped) couch at the couch store in Furniture Row. I knew when we had room for it I wanted to get it, I haven't felt a comfier couch and I loved how much seating it offered (or rather laying down for both of us and then some haha)
Well we were ready to start our home upgrades in early December so we went out to look at furniture and saw that the couch was still there AND on clearance (so half off!). We decided it was a great couch, but we wanted to make sure we weren't just getting excited about the discount. We brought my brother to the store and had him sit on it and he confirmed it - it is a great couch!. We bought it that day!
The good and bad to this is that it took until mid January to get 3/4 of it delivered. Apparently because it was clearance all pieces were coming from different distribution centers so they had to try and get them all to one location and then deliver it to us. Because we had been waiting for over a month - when they have a 2 week delivery standard - they decided to deliver what they could while they had it and (the best part) they'd knock off the delivery charge AND discount the couch some more.
When we had 3/4 of it delivered |
By early February we finally got the final piece and had our full couch! In the end we got this amazing couch for 1/4 of the original price! Since we had a couch already we weren't really in NEED of a couch so we never rushed them, but since we paid we wanted to make sure they did get us what we paid for. It was SO worth it and I'd definitely buy from them again! Look how pretty it is!
Such a pretty sight! |
Master Bedroom Makeover
So the next room on our list was our master bedroom. I still had my dresser that I got when I was about 13 years old. MANY people commented on how I needed an adult dresser, but really it was still in good condition (aside from some scratches and a burn mark), it held all that I needed it to hold, and I didn't feel like it NEEDED to be replaced really. I did, however, want a bed frame and headboard and Larry could really use a nightstand (and no way was I having mismatched ones so I might as well get one too). So again, we trekked out to Furniture Row to have a look. This is where we had to do a lot of compromising. I wanted a fabric headboard, Larry didn't. We found one set that was a wood frame (dark too!) with some fabric on the headboard. I liked it, but felt parts of it were very ornamental and I wasn't a huge fan of that part. I tried so hard to sell Larry on a fabric headboard, but he just didn't care too much for them. We decided we didn't want to make a big purchase without being sure so we'd check out a couple more stores and see how we felt after that.
We walked around R.C. Willey, Ashley Furniture, and Ikea, but there just wasn't anything that struck our fancy. After a couple weekends in December we went back to Furniture Row (for something actually unrelated to the headboard). I was walking around when I saw the one we found (part wood, part fabric) and fell in love with it all over again. I knew the ornamental parts (the knobs of the dresser and night stands) could be replaced and the store was having a "customer appreciation" sale so it was also cheaper than the original price...things were just lining up so perfectly that we decided it was time to get it. Luckily the dresser was supposed to come with a mirror, but since we didn't want that they applied that discount to the second nightstand so we would still save the money (SCORE!)

Another score was that actually was delivered within the time frame they promised, but then I realized my black, full-length mirror didn't really fit with the dark brown wood and my purple collapsible hamper seemed to not go either...enter Wayfair online where I found a great mirror (that was actually wider and longer than the black one) and Target where I found the perfect hamper (a little smaller than the purple one, but it fits everything in it just fine). By the end of January we had the cutest Master Bedroom and I LOVE walking into feels so adult.
The Complicated Dining Area
You would think a dining room/area would be one of the easier ones to get updated, but it turns out Larry and I have A LOT of opinions about how it should look. I thought it would be fun to have design-y chairs (fabric ones with a design on you see in open houses). At least end chairs that had a design and then side chairs that went with them, but all fabric so that they were comfortable to sit on (that was my "theme" with the house updates - comfy and welcoming!). We must have gone to Furniture Row 6 times before settling on a table (no joke, they all recognized us there by the 3rd trip haha). We found the table (also on a sale...we were on a very nice roll). It was perfect because it was big enough to sit 3 chairs on each side and then have two end chairs, but also had a butterfly leaf (so we wouldn't need to store anything anywhere) so it extended to have 4 chairs on each side. You might be asking why I wanted such a large table for only 2 (soon-to-be 3) of us in the house, well the answer is I wanted to host Thanksgiving in our home and I wanted to have a good amount of seating at the table for everyone.

Now on to chairs...Larry HATED the idea of the design-y chairs. He wanted plain chairs...they were more "grown up" to him. So we had to compromise - I'd let him have his boring side chairs (as long as they matched the table color) and I got to find some fun end chairs for it. Unfortunately his side chairs were WAY easier to find than my end chairs...we're still on the hunt for some good ones. But we at least have good seating options until then. Bar stools have also been really difficult. We found some great ones, but they were WAY too light. Larry wants some that spin, while I want them to be cushion but not from leather or fake leather. I'd prefer metal frame while he'd prefer wood frame....we're also still on the hunt for those :\
The Prettiest Guest Room Ever
So the guest room was one of my favorites to work on! I'm not sure why, probably because it was my first one I've actually gotten to do and I wanted it to be like a hotel room, but comfy and clean and just have a nice "home away from home" feel. I figured since my black mirror from the master room had to go somewhere we'd move it to the guest room and make that one a black furniture room. I was going to do a fabric headboard for in there, but those turned out to be pretty pricey for a room that wouldn't be used nearly as much as any of the other ones (not to mention black fabric headboard made it look a little goth-y). The biggest thing that got this moved up on the list was when we found the most comfy mattress at Furniture Row on one of our many, many visits. It was decently priced and I figured would be a dream to sleep on. We ordered that in a queen and realized we better get the other things we need in the room before that came so that it wasn't a pain to set up later on.

I found the cutest metal bed frame on Wayfair and got that along with the dresser, matching nightstand (I would've loved to get two of those, but we felt that would make the room feel cramped so we only did one), and the cutest sheet set ever! We picked up a smart TV from Costco (so that guests could sign into their accounts for Netflix, Hulu, etc. to watch shows/movies), ordered a DVD player and the alarm clock from Amazon, and then found the most adorable accent lamp at Furniture Row! I was SO excited about all the things we found! We just finished putting it all together last night, the pics make the sheet set look yellow and purple, but it's really yellow, gray, and silver. I didn't realize we did this, but I ordered the exact same set for the master bedroom, but in a blue tone haha.
Anyways, that's pretty much the bulk of the updates we've done and I'm so excited with how everything is turning out. I'd love to keep it going since we're on such a good roll, but we need to start saving money for baby stuff and focusing on that so the rest of the house stuff is on hold until we have that under control.