
Mar 8, 2017

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks (9 more people!! Also, she's the size of an asparagus)

Maternity  Clothes? I mean...they work. Nothing to really complain about. But some days I miss my old clothes that used to fit in the beginning. I'm just doing what I can to make sure I don't have to get anything new at this point haha.

Sleep? Oh I miss sleeping straight through the night. I used to think I tossed and turned a lot before, but nothing like now. I mean, when I sleep it's still REALLY deep, but getting comfy and staying comfy every time I have to turn over gets harder and harder. Luckily BB is a good sport and doesn't give me too much grief for it. Dreams are starting to get REALLY weird now! I had one where I made plans with a girl on a swing set to color my hair with pistachio ice cream, one where I gave away one of our kitties because someone brought us a stick for free that I really needed...I cried myself awake with that one, and I've had tons of scary-movie like dreams throughout the week...the details are just so vivid it's insane!

Best moment of the week: We got SO much done this week:
  • We built the dresser so all baby furniture that needs to be built should be done by now. We'll work on getting the rest of the big stuff this weekend.
  • I got us registered for our prenatal classes for this next week (BIG step done).
  • I found some GREAT pediatricians for us to meet with to get that going (another BIG step done)
  • We got shower invites out and got that all scheduled...I'm REALLY looking forward to that :)
  • I also got a list going of things I want to get done with the house before the shower so I'm REALLY excited to have that written down.

Miss Anything? I've had a really good week this week so I'm not sure there's a lot I miss....maybe just my old clothes and my old sleeping. The sleeping one I know I should just be happy with what I get now, but the old clothes one will definitely be coming back!

Movement: I swear we have a little salsa dancer in there some days. She starts to move a little when we go to bed so feeling those has been fun, but only because she stops soon after so I can actually sleep. Again, she still has days where she's more still, but on weekends once I get a moment to sit down she goes crazy...I love every second of it. Hopefully I can get a good video of it one day.

Cravings/Aversions: I don't want ice cream AS much, but it's probably still my number one.

Gender: We have a little lady swimming around :)

Labor Signs: Nothing so far, we're good with this answer for another couple months!

Symptoms: Pains and aches, bathroom runs and mucus, pregnancy arthritis and exhaustion. That's about the run of it now a days.

Moods: Oh I'm definitely more irritable. I just have a lower tolerance for stupidity lately. But I think I do well with just walking away or stop talking when I get into the moods because I know it's just hormones and no need to make things worse over those.

Looking forward to: The prenatal classes this weekend, getting the last of the big stuff done, my first appointment with my midwife is next week, and meeting with pediatricians. We got a lot of good things coming up, it's really feeling real these days :)

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