
Dec 12, 2020

Lucy is SIX Months!

    I am SIX months old!

I like: Food!! She LOVES eating almost anything these days and hates just watching us eat. Sisters, being surrounded by people (maybe she'll be a social butterfly like Cara)

I dislike: Being hungry, being tired, being left on the floor/in the high chair/in the walker for longer than like 5 minutes and just left alone, her bottles if she's even a little tiny bit full

I am now: At her 5 month weight check she was almost 14 lbs (13 lbs 15 oz). Her 6 month check isn't until the 16th so we don't know her official weight until then. She is in size 2 diapers and definitely ready for 6 month size clothes. And rolls for days because of all the new foods she's trying (I'm convinced she likes food more than bottles).

A Typical Day looks like: 

She wakes up around 7:30 AM (though some days she's actually slept until almost 8, which is when I have to wake her up)
7:45 - I give her her probiotic, change her bum and give her a 6 oz bottle (usually only 2 oz is breast milk, the rest formula)
8-9:30 she plays on the swing, play mat, or whatever will make her happiest. Sometimes we'll do bumbo time, sometimes she just wants to be held.
9:30-10:45/11  nap time. No more swaddle, but she does get put in a sleep sac in the pack n play, binky in, lights out, and fan on. She usually is out within minutes.
11:00 - next 6 oz bottle and diaper change.
11:00 - 12:30 play time (swing, tummy time, play mat, whatever works) and she usually gets a poop out at this point.
12:30-2 nap time. Same routine as before.
2 - next 6 oz bottle and diaper change
2-3:30 play time
3:30 - 5:00 nap time. Same routine as before. If she wakes up before 5 then her and I will hang out while daddy works out with the older girls
5:00 - next 6 oz bottle and diaper change
5 - 5:30 play time
5:30-6 we do dinner. We JUST started giving her little tastes of food tonight at this time so she can be a part of dinner.
6-7 doing whatever for the night (aka free/play time)
7-7:45 we start our show for the night, at 7:10 ish she gets her last bottle of the night (5.5 oz) and just relax at this point. She might get a little cranky, especially if she woke up from the last nap early, but we keep her entertained until bed. If it's bath night (Sunday and Thursday for her), that starts at 7:20 ish
7:45 get ready for bed. We change her diaper, put on the owlet, put on pajamas, put on the sleep sac, lay her down and give her the binky. No more swaddling and she's good at putting herself to sleep.

This Month: We got to celebrate Lucy's first Thanksgiving and she got to try even more foods - she really likes food. She seemed to really like little bits of stuffing the most haha.

We started a lot more of Christmas decorating as well and it's really fun letting her touch everything and see it light up. I wish I felt confident enough to go out for a drive to look at lights, but maybe next year.

Lucy officially loves getting her lunch and dinner food dishes, I think her favorite thing is being put in the high chair because she knows food is coming haha. She's definitely developing little rolls all over.

We also knew we wanted to get her into the nursery by the time she turned 6 months so this last week we've been spending our time after dinner in the nursery with toys and books and the bumbo chair. I also was working on switching her closet over to the 6 and 6-9 month sized clothes so I hope that helped (we're just barely putting her in the room tonight, so fingers crossed she'll transition as well as the other girls). We also decided we need to get another pack of binkies for her crib so she has a few to find in the night.

Update on last month's goals:
  • Binky work at night, or more self soothing

  • Possibly move over to her own room??

  • More book time

  • Work on sitting up and grabbing

  • More Holidays!!

Goals for next month:
  • Get her used to more time in her room (for naps maybe?)

  • Sitting up - she's got a good, strong core so I think sitting up will be easy for her

  • Work on starting to crawl a little

  • Ring in a new year as a family of 5!

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